Luke and Calum returned his nod. Ashton gave him a smile. Michael gave him a sad yet enthusiastic wave.

Niall kissed Sienna's head and went on his way.


It was too quiet.

They'd been back from the airport for a few hours and the bus had been silent. Michael and Luke had gone back to sleep. Calum was in the shower and Sienna wondered if perhaps he'd fallen asleep in there. Ashton was in his bunk on a video call with his younger siblings.

Sienna was alone. Sitting on the sofa by herself, she stared mindlessly at the floor as tried to push involuntary thoughts out of her mind. Since they'd returned from the airport, everyone had been quiet around her. She could see they were being cautious around her, too cautious. It seemed they were afraid of upsetting her, as if she could snap at any moment over any minor thing. They'd all chosen to give her some space, to let her miss her friend and calm down. They worried if they carried on like normal and crowded her, she would be overwhelmed.

Sienna hated being alone. She hated being left to the thoughts she sometimes felt she couldn't control.

Before her own mind could overwhelm her, she searched the bus for a marker or pen and returned to the sofa. She began doodling on her wrist. She drew stars and random shapes or letters without thinking much of them. She smiled softly at the doodles. She liked the way the ink looked on her skin.

Maybe I should get a tattoo, she thought.

She had been so caught up in her doodling that she hadn't noticed anyone walk over to her. When a hand was placed over hers, stopping her from doodling anymore, it startled her.

She jumped, but the familiarity of the hand on hers instantly calmed her. She looked up to meet calming, dark eyes.

"You okay, babe?" Calum asked softly, glancing down at the doodles on her wrist before meeting her eyes again. Sienna could see the concern in his eyes even though he did a good job not showing it on his face.

She already felt better than she had before. Just being acknowledged by him like this, feeling his touch and seeing his worry, broke the cautious, silent atmosphere.

She took in his worried eyes, his wet, messy hair, and the way the white of his shirt accented his tan skin.

"Yeah." Sienna told him with a nod. "This was just a distraction." She explained, putting the cap on the marker and laying it to the side. Calum's hand fell to rest on her thigh instead of her hand now. "Just a way to keep myself occupied, keep my mind from wandering too much." She continued, hoping to ease his worrying. "Remember how I said the thoughts come back sometimes?"

Calum nodded, recalling the way Sienna had explained the thoughts that sometimes haunted her mind and the way they fought to reappear when things got quiet.

"They're trying to." She admitted sadly. "Just trying to keep that from happening." She said. Seeing the look in his eyes, she knew he still worried. "I'm okay." She assured him, placing her hands over his and squeezing.

Calum lifted both her hands, holding them carefully in his. He moved them to his lips. He pressed soft kisses to the back of her hands.

"Everyone's acting so odd, like I'm some sort of time bomb waiting to go off." Sienna said quietly. Calum stopped kissing her hands and met her eyes again. "I don't like it. Being alone with my thoughts for so long." She confessed. "Will you stay with me?" She asked sweetly, an almost undetectable hint of desperation in her tone. Calum was sure no one else would've noticed, but he did immediately. "Maybe we can play fifa or something-anything."

Calum felt guilty as he heard her plea for his company. When they had returned from the airport, he had assumed Sienna would want some time to herself. Some time to deal with her emotions and just be alone.

He had been mistaken.

I should have talked to her, he scolded himself. I should've known she wouldn't want to be alone.

"Of course." Calum told her sincerely. He released her hands. After reaching into his pocket, he revealed something small and silver. "Brought you something, babe."

Sienna giggled as she took the candy from his palm. She wondered where he kept his stash of peppermint patties hidden. She leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to Calum's lips. Even after she had pulled away and began to open her candy, Calum remained in that same spot with his eyes closed and lips slightly parted.

When his eyes opened a few moments later, a small smile tugged at his lips and he bounced to his feet. Turning to retrieve the game controllers so he and Sienna could play some Fifa as she had suggested, his smile only grew.

"So, you're sure you wanna' play Fifa?" Calum asked. "There are other ways to pass the time, you know." He gave her smirk and a wiggle of his eyebrows as he rejoined her on the sofa.

Sienna could hear the playful, joking tone of his voice, but rolled her eyes anyway to keep the banter going.

"Give me the controller, Hood."


HUGE thanks to everyone for all the reads and positive feedback!!!!

I still can't believe all the love this story has gotten and it means so much to me!

All the love xx

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