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Sienna smiled to herself as she looked at her reflection. She'd picked an outfit that was quite a bit more edgy than normal. She'd also spent a little longer than usual on her makeup to make sure it looked just right.

She was dressed in black from head to toe; a sleeveless mesh top over a black strapless bra, high waisted black jeans, and thick-heeled black boots.

Her hair was pulled up into a ponytail with a few loose curls hanging by her face. Her smokey eye look and crimson lipstick made her look dangerous and beautifully intimidating.

Now, Sienna thought, I look like someone who should be on tour with a rock band.

She placed all her makeup and beauty products back into their cases and slid her phone into her back pocket. She stepped out of the dressing room bathroom and smiled out at the two boys staring at her.

"Absolutely not." Luke shook his head instantly. Sienna's smile quickly faded.

"Absolutely!" Michael cheered. "You look fantastic!" Sienna's smile returned to her face as she looked back to Luke who still stood with his arms over his chest like a protective father.

"What's the point in wearing a shirt if you can see completely through it?" Luke asked as he gestured to her top, looking over at Michael for some support.

"I can take it off and just wear a bra if you'd prefer." Sienna sassed. "I thought I looked great." She admitted, looking down at her outfit.

"She's on tour with a rock band, Luke." Michael chuckled, nudging Luke with his elbow. "She's not going to wear a sweatsuit and a parka. Lighten up."

"Okay." Luke sighed. "I'm being overprotective again, aren't I?" He realized.

"Yep." Michael and Sienna said in unison.

"My bad." Luke winced. "I'm working on it."

"Time to go, boys." A man said as he suddenly appeared in the door, disappearing just as fast as he'd appeared.

Luke headed out of the room first. Michael and Sienna followed shortly behind.

"Thanks, Mikey." Sienna said quietly.

"Got your back, babe." Michael smiled down at her. "Any sign of lover boy?" He asked curiously.

"Haven't seen him in a while." Sienna noticed.

"If you find him, will you tell him to come get ready?" He asked sweetly before he and Luke went their way to get their guitars.

Sienna hurriedly searched around the arena for Calum, but came up empty handed. She eventually decided to check outside the arena just in case.

She opened one of the side exit doors and her eyes fixed themselves instantly on Calum. She wondered why he was outside, but her question was quickly answered when he lifted a cigarette to his lips.

"You've got to be kidding me." Sienna muttered to herself. Before she knew it, she was walking over to him, her heels hitting the pavement loudly with each angry step.

"Hey-" Calum smiled at her after he realized she was there.

"This," Sienna spat, taking Calum's cigarette from between his fingers. "is fucking disgusting." She threw the cigarette to the ground and crushed it under her boot. "Get your ass in there and get ready for your show."

Dirty Little Secret // C.H.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن