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"What's on your mind?"

Sienna blinked herself out of her thoughtful seclusion, her gaze landing on the familiar golden brown eyes she had grown accustomed to losing herself in. She could write novels about nothing but Calum's eyes.

The pair of them were lying in Sienna's bunk, tangled around each other after everyone else had gone to sleep. Calum had been mindlessly twirling a lock of Sienna's light hair around his fingers.

Sienna had watched him as he admired her, watched the way the corners of his mouth perked up ever so slightly as he played with the lock of golden hair. She often found herself surprised by how comfortable she felt around Calum. She'd only known him a few months, yet she felt as if she'd known him forever, yet her bed felt empty and strange if he was not in it next to her.

"How is this going to work?" She asked the question that had been replaying over and over in her mind. "Us?" She added at his curious expression.

Calum took a deep breath as she told him what she had been so caught up thinking about moments ago. He could see it in her eyes there was something she needed to talk about and he'd had a feeling she was worrying about them.

"That depends." Calum admitted. "When do you want to tell everyone?"

"After the tour?" Sienna suggested.

Calum's eyes widened suddenly, but he quickly hid  it. Tour wouldn't be over for months. Hiding their relationship that long would be a challenge.

"Tour won't be over for another four months, Enna." Calum told her as calm and collected as he could manage.

"If we tell them now, Luke will kill us." Sienna began. "Luke being angry with you will lead to Ashton and Michael feeling like they have to choose sides which won't end well for anyone." She continued quickly. "The four of you being divided would be horrible for the fans, the tour, and especially the band. I-"

"Okay, okay, okay." Calum said as he moved his hand to rest on Sienna's cheek, cupping her face gently. Sienna's stressed rambling came to a halt at Calum's touch. "I understand." He told her, hoping to ease her nerves. "You're afraid of putting not just the tour but the band at risk." He said, receiving a nod from Sienna.

Calum moved his thumb in soft, reassuring strokes across her cheek. He studied her eyes, he could see the stress behind them. He wanted nothing more than to ease her mind.

"I know it won't be easy." Sienna said after watching him try to hide his disappointment in order to make her feel better. "Keeping this from them."

"Well, we knew this wouldn't be easy." He told her with a hushed chuckle. "But it's worth it."

"Is it?" Sienna asked him without thinking. She would give up almost anything to be with Calum, but she hadn't realized she wanted to have the peace of knowing he would do the same even if she would never ask him to.

Suddenly, Calum's soft strokes across her cheek stopped, his grip on her became more firm, his eyes more serious.

"This," said Calum. "Is worth everything." He promised her. "I don't know what will happen, but I know that I can't be without you. Not again." At his words, Sienna moved her hand to rest on his that still cupped her face. "Come here." He said softly as he raised his arm, inviting her to move closer to him. Sienna cuddled against his side, her head resting on his chest, letting out a deep breath as Calum wrapped his arms around her again. "We're together now, Enna. Whatever comes will come, and we'll face it together."

"Together." Sienna agreed.

"Through anything." Calum promised. "Always."



Hey guys!!! I know this chapter is very short but I felt it was necessary to have this little intimate chapter between Sienna and Calum!!


Thank you so so much to all my readers for everything you do!!

Dirty Little Secret // C.H.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora