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Calum was standing outside enjoying the fresh air, and the lit cigarette between his lips.

He knew how angry it made Sienna when he smoked. Perhaps that why he continued to do it; to get some sort of attention from her.

He rolled his eyes when he saw the black SUV pull quickly into the lot. Niall had taken one of the security vehicles out to "run some errands" as Niall put it, but Calum knew what was going on.

Today was four weeks Sienna had been clean. Niall had gone to get her next charm.

Calum should've expected it, but when Niall got out of the SUV carrying a bag of fast food, orange soda, and a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream, Calum's eyes widened. In Niall's other hand he held a blue and white football.

He gave Calum an obligated smile. There was so much tension between them now. They hated it.

Niall just wanted Sienna to be happy. Calum just wanted Sienna back.

"You know," Calum spoke up just as Niall reached to the open the door of the tour bus. Niall stopped to look over at him as he blew smoke out. "Most girls like flowers and chocolates. Romantic shit." He sassed. "Not fast food and a football."

"Yeah?" Niall raised his eyebrows. "Well, my girl likes bacon cheeseburgers, orange soda, and, believe it or not, football." Niall gave Calum a grin that made his blood boil. "So, I think I'll try my luck." He started to reach for the door once again, but stopped on his own this time. "It's no wonder you two didn't work out—hell, you didn't even begin—because you treated her like most girls."

He knew the words would cut deep. He only hoped they were deep enough to show him he needs to apologize and get over this never-ending pout session.

"Sienna is not most girls, mate."

With that, Calum didn't say another word and Niall stepped inside the bus.

That, Calum realized. That right there. That's why he'll end up with her. And he deserves to.

Niall slowly pulled the curtain back on Sienna's bunk. A smile formed on his lips when he looked at her.

After her nightmare last night, Sienna had slept on Niall's chest. He had to very carefully roll her off his chest when he snuck out to leave without waking her.

"Hey, you." He nudged her shoulder gently

Sienna woke slowly with a long stretch. She rolled over to face Niall. When her eyes focused on him, she smiled.

"What is it?" She asked through a yawn. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, babe." Niall chuckled. "It's just...I've got a bacon cheeseburger, orange soda, and a copy of Grease with your name on it." He told her and her eyes quickly widened. "I can't promise the bacon cheeseburger will survive much longer if you don't beat me to it."

"I'm up." Sienna said, climbing out of bed and throwing on one of Ashton's jumpers over her Fleetwood Mac shirt.

She took a seat on the sofa in Ashton's jumper, pajama shorts, and a pair of tall socks with pizza slices on them that Michael had picked out for her.

Dirty Little Secret // C.H.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora