RG 53

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Hey readers, sorry I haven't been posting much lately, been busy with RL and kinda stuck with what I want to do with my stories. But here is an up date for Raising Gracie and I hope to have some for the others soon. Remember to enjoy and comment and try not to kill me because then we'll never know what happens, lol.
Chapter 53

"Bianca." Gracie called seeing her.
"Gracie." Bianca said scooping her up and hugging her.
"How come I don't get these greetings?" Montez asked.
"I see you all the time, not Bianca." Gracie said.
"Well if I couldn't see her all the time I'd greet her like that too." Montez said.
"You're her husband." Gracie said. "Why wouldn't you see her."
"He means if for some reason he was unable to, but he knows he belongs home with me when he can." Bianca said.
"Okay." Gracie said. "Are you excited for rumble?"
"Very." Bianca said.
"Me too." Xia said coming in.
"Xia." Gracie said and Bianca set her down so she could run over and hug her. "How are you?"
"I am good, you?" Xia asked.
"I am mending well according to mommy." Gracie said.
"That is good." Xia said.

Gracie had fun catching up with the girls in the locker room and exploring the vendors with Josh and Jen.
"Looks like she found her soft spot." Becky said seeing Gracie curled up on Seth.
"She did." Seth said.
"You have a beautiful and amazing little girl." Edge said.
"Thanks." Becky said. "She came that way, we're just doing all we can to keep her that way."
"It shows." Edge said. "We'll need to get my girls and her together soon."
"Definitely." Becky said. "Maybe closer to mania when she's fully mended."
"Sounds good." Edge said. "I'll let you guy be, nice talking."
"Always." Seth said and Edge left and Becky sat down.
"He's looking good." Becky said. "I am glad he get's this."
"Me too." Seth said. "Everything set for your match?"
"Yes." Becky said. "It's going to be a good night."
"Good." He smiled.
"Was she tired?" Becky asked.
"He's, spending the morning with the girls in the locker room wore her out." Seth said. "Charlotte brought her back about twenty minutes ago."
"I see." Becky said. "She is one loved kid."
"She is." Seth said. "Like you."
"And you." Becky said. "I cannot wait to be home and just relax."
"Who are you and what have you done with my wife?" Seth jokes.
"Hahaha." Becky said. "I feel like we've been just go, go, go, I kinda want a breather."
"I hear ya." Seth said. "I love spending my days with Gracie doing whatever her heart desires and my nights with you."
"Me too." Becky said. "And soon maybe more."
"Yes." He said smiled. "One for both of us."
"More then likely they'll both want one of us at the same time." Becky said.

"Okay you be a good girl for Uncle Josh and Aunt Jen and we'll see you after." Becky said.
"Okay mommy." Gracie said. "Look for my sign."
"Will do." Becky said.
Becky kissed her goodbye and then Seth did before Josh took her in his arms.
"Good luck." Josh said. "We'll be rooting."
"Thanks." Both said as they watched them walk off down the hall.
"Time to gear up." Seth said.
Becky nodded and headed into the dressing room.

After changing she headed to hair and make up. She had a different hair vibe going today and she loved it.
"Like horns." Becky said. "Ready to bull Asuka over."
"I like it." Charlotte said.
"You ready for rumble?" Becky asked.
"Yes." Charlotte said. "Stephanie asked if we'd be up for defending out titles on Raw."
"Sounds like a plan." Becky said.
"I better go, it's almost time for the rumble." Charlotte said.
"Good luck." Becky said.
"This is my year." Charlotte said.
"Good thing I am not in then." Becky teased making her laugh.
"Right." Charlotte said.
After finishing up she walked back to viewing area and sat down to watch.
"Hey." Seth said kissing her head. "I like the look."
"Thanks." Becky said.
"Good rumble so far?" He asked sitting down.
"Yes, Bianca is doing great." Becky said. "I knew she would."
"That's good." Seth said.
"Look at Gracie." Becky said.
"She's rooting for her friends." Seth said smiling.

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