RG 9

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(Authors Note; I know with the Draft coming up everyone is unsure what's going to happen but no matter what I believe things will work out how they are meant to because as we know we cannot really control anything.  So distract yourself with some Brollie fan fiction and let me know what you think, like or ever dislike about this story and be sure to let me know if you want more.)
"Hey guys." Shane said when Becky and Seth walked up with Gracie.
"Hey." Becky said hugging him. "Gracie you remember Stephanie?"
"Yes." Gracie said.
"Well this is her brother Shane." Becky said. "Can you say hi?"
"Hi." Gracie said.
"Hello." Shane said. "It's nice to finally meet you."
"Hey guys." Roman said coming into the Gorilla. "I got everyone by the ring so we can introduce her."
They all walked out and everyone turned towards them.
"Gracie this is the more of your WWE family." Becky said. "Guys this is Gracie."
"Hello." Everyone said.
"I have a lot of family." Gracie said.
"You do." Seth said.
One by one everyone introduced themselves and several got Gracie a t-shirts.
"She's adorable." Carmella said.
"Thanks." Becky said.
"Corey told me you brought her to Raw and I was so jealous." Carmella said.
"We planned to bring her here." Becky said. "This was my brand for so long."
"But you ditched us for Raw." Carmella teased.
"I needed more heads to slap." Becky said.
"Speaking of heads how is yours after that chair shot?" Carmella asked.
"I am good, irritated by what's happening, I get she back as the heel, but botching chair shots and unplanned attacks are not cool." Becky said.
"Corey said she refused to answer why she did it and they fined her for it." Carmella said.
"Yeah, she's on some trip about she won't answer anyone question unless it's some bs answer." Becky said.
"You know she's gone through a lot lately." Bayley said coming up.
"I get that I do." Becky said. "But how she's behaving and going off script is so unprofessional. She could've caused me real harm last night."
"She would never do that." Bayley said.
"She hit me in the head with a steel chair." Becky said. "I fell out of the ring uncouncious."
"She said it was the plans." Bayley said.
"Well then she lied." Carmella said. "There was no attack planned, she was even fined for it."
"Those are just rumors." Bayley said.
"Stephanie told me herself." Becky said. "So it seems your best friend is lying to you."
Looking up Becky saw Charlotte come in with Andrade.
"Excuse me guys." Becky said. "Gracie come here luv."
Gracie crawled over to where she was and Becky picked her up and walked over to where Charlotte stood.
"Oh my goodness Becky." Charlotte said. "She looks just like you."
"Gracie this is Aunty Charlotte." Becky said. "She is mommy's best friend."
"The Queen." Gracie said.
"That's her character." Becky said.
"Hello sweet girl." Charlotte said. "Can I hold you?"
Gracie looked at Becky who smiled and then Gracie went to Charlotte who hugged her.
"You are so very beautiful." Andrade said.
"Tank you." Gracie said.
"You and Seth must be on cloud nine." Charlotte said as they sat down.
"We are." Becky said.
"Can I go wessle daddy?" Gracie asked.
"Go for it." Becky said and Charlotte set Gracie down and she walked back to the ring and inside to Seth.
"Becky a mommy, how crazy." Charlotte said.
"It is crazy but she feels so right." Becky said. "I don't think I have ever been happier."
"That is amazing." Charlotte said.
"So Seth and I set a date." Becky said.
"Really?" Charlotte asked.
"Christmas in Ireland." Becky said.
"Bex that is going to be amazing." Charlotte said.
"You'll have to get time off so you can be my maid of honor." Becky said.
"Of course I will." Charlotte said. "Christmas in Ireland."
"I know it's a lot to give up time with your family but..." Becky said.
"You are family." Charlotte said.
"She is right." Andrade said.
"You don't mind Christmas in Ireland do you?" Charlotte asked.
"Not at all, as long as I am with you, we can do family things when we return." Andrade said.
"So we're in." Charlotte said.
"Great." Becky said. "It's going to be crazy planning everything but I am so excited."
"I love seeing you happy." Charlotte said. "You deserve this."
"Thanks." Becky said. "You found happiness too."
"Indeed I did." Charlotte said.

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