RG 37

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"That was tough." Seth said coming back into gorilla after his match with Roman.
"But you won." Gracie said.
"I did." Seth said putting his hair up.
"Daddy has booboos." Gracie said.
"I'm okay." Seth said squatting down to her level. "I promise."
Gracie moved around to the sore on his back and kissed it.
"All better." Seth said. "Thank you."
"Good job baby." Becky said. "Why don't we don't go find some grapes while daddy showers and then we can head home for tonight."
"Are we flying out tonight?" Gracie asked.
"No, we are going to head out in the morning to Tennessee since we don't have lives tomorrow night, just Sunday." Becky said.
"Okay." Gracie said.
Becky smiled and took her hand and walked out of the dressing room so Seth could shower and change.

"Daddy." Gracie giggled as Seth picked her up.
"Gracie." Seth said like Gracie did. "How are those grapes?.
"Yummy." Gracie said. "Can we go home now?"
"We can." Seth said. "I loaded everything in the car now I just need you and mommy."
"You got me." Gracie said. "Come on mommy."
Becky smiled and stood up picking up the container of grapes.
"Let's go then." Becky said.
"Home." Gracie cheered and they headed out.

When they got inside Grace raced off to her room and Becky smiled.
"She's happy to be here." Seth said.
"This place is a special home for her, somewhere she can be her normal carefree self but we only visits when we have time." Becky said.
"Yes." He said. "I know you miss it here."
"I do, but I am happy to be where you are." Becky said kissing him softly before he phone went off.
"What's up?" He asked.
"I guess we aren't flying to Tennessee tomorrow, we are flying to Orlando for the draft broadcast they are doing." Becky said. "They're going to hold it at Full Sail Saturday and then we can fly to Nashville for Raw."
"Okay." Seth said.
"Daddy." Gracie called. "Mommy."
"Let's go check on her." Becky said and they walked to her room and found her stuck in her pajamas.
"Help me." Gracie said. "I tuck."
"You're stuck?" Becky said,
"I say that." Gracie said. "I tuck."
Both chuckled and moved over and helped her get her pajamas on right,
"Tank you." She said.
"Are you ready for bed?" Becky asked.
"Yes, Story?" She asked looking at Seth.
"Of course." Seth said. "Pick your favorite off the shelf."
She skipped over to the shelf and picked one and then they tucked her into bed.
"Mommy will you lay with me while daddy reads?" Gracie asked.
"Of course I will." Becky said laying down and snuggling with her on one side while Seth sat on the other and began reading.

Becky woke as Seth shook her shoulder.
"Come on let's go to bed." He said.
She smiled and kissed Gracie's forehead and got up and walked to her room with him she changed as he did and then fell asleep in his arms.

"Mommy." Gracie said.
Becky woke and looked at the clock and saw it was just after one.
"Hi sweet girl." Becky said. "Want to snuggle with me and daddy?"
"Yeah." Gracie said climbing into the bed and she snuggled in between them slightly waking Seth.
"Snuggles?" Seth said.
"Yeah, but shh, I seeping." Gracie said and both smiled and joined her for a few more hours of sleep.

"Daddy I thought we were going to Tensee?" Gracie said as they stood waiting to board their flight to Orlando.
"We are going to fly there Monday." Seth said. "We're going to Orlando because they are doing a show for the Draft and we need to be there."
"Oh." Gracie said yawning.
Once they were on board the plane both girls were out again and Seth made the arrangements he needed to make.

"Sorry about the last minute changes?" Stephanie said."
"It's cool." Becky said.
"Hair and make up is set up in the back." Stephanie said.
"Then I better go get pretty." Becky said.
"You're already pretty mommy." Gracie said from where she laid on Becky.
"She is." Stephanie said.
Becky smiled and walked to the back.
"Gracie." Jojo called.
"Jojo." Gracie said. "Down mommy."
Becky smiled and set Gracie down and she ran over to Jojo and hugged her.
"I see she found her." Roman said coming up.
"Uncle Roman did you bring me Jojo?" Gracie asked.
"I did." Roman said. "You're dad asked me to."
"Welly daddy." Gracie asked as Seth came up.
"I did because I need her help." Seth said.
"Help with what?" Gracie asked.
"Well while mommy and I are filming today she is going to hang out with you back stage and then when we are done she's and Uncle Roman are going to hang out with us today and tomorrow." Seth said.
"What tomorrow?" Gracie asked.
"I thought you might like to go see some princesses and Jojo and Alexa want to join you." Seth said.
"Disney World?" Jojo said shocked.
"For the day." Seth said.
Both girls were excited and hugged Seth.
"How about we get them set up and you can do your thing here." Seth said.
"Okay, I'll check in in them soon." Becky said. "Be good and listen to Jojo."
"I will." Gracie said taking Jojo's hand.
They walked off and Becky set down so the hair people could go to work.
"I swear she get's cuter by the day." Charlotte said.
"She does." Becky said.

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