Chapter 25: Class A Get Their Asses Beat

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The next day, everyone returned back to school. Classes resumed as they usually did. We did a small test in all of our classes to ensure we hadn't forgotten too much during our summer break and training for the Provisional License exam.

The entire morning back, I could feel several pairs of eyes staring at me. Whenever I tried to look around to see who was staring at me, I didn't find a single set of eyes on me. I had a sneaking suspicion that I knew who was staring at me. The likelihood was that it was Ochako, Kiri, Momo and Iida. They were most likely concerned about me since they had no explanation on why I looked so upset the previous night or why I came downstairs that morning with bags under my eyes. I fully intended to give them an explanation, but I couldn't exactly do that whilst we were in class, could I?

The bell for lunch chimed and echoed throughout the class. Auntie Nemuri looked up from her book at the front of the class. "Ok everyone, time is up. Please make sure you're name is at the top of your paper and place it on my desk. Once you've done so you are free to go to lunch." Auntie Nemuri smiled.

There was a flurry of movement and the scrape of chairs as everyone rushed to place their quiz on the teacher's desk and rush towards the cafeteria. The aroma of Lunch Rush's food filled the air, making everyone's stomach rumble with hunger.

After collecting my food, I walked over to the tables which my class had practically claimed for ourselves and plopped down in between Ochako and Tenya. "Ah, I see you have picked a simple sandwich for lunch, an excellent choice, Izuku. Please ensure you eat the entire things so that you have enough energy for this afternoon's class." Tenya sated with a nod of his head as he looked down at me. Even sitting he towered over me.

"Of course, Iida." I chuckled lightly. With that, I dug into my chicken and sweetcorn sandwich. The delicious taste of mayonnaise and chicken exploded over my tongue. I knew it was rather plain, but I couldn't help but love the taste of the sandwich.

"Izuku..." Ochako's voice spoke up hesitantly from beside me. I turned in my seat from where I was talking to Aoyama and Shoji to look at my best friend. Ochako looked really upset and hesitant to speak.

"What's up, Ocha. You look really worried." I murmured quietly as I placed my sandwich down on my tray.

"Well... I was just worried about you, Izu. Last night Present Mic walked past the kitchen and I saw that he was carrying you. You looked like you had been crying and I was worried about you." Ocahko whispered, tears beading up in her eyes. I quickly pulled her into a hug and patted her back in an attempt to stop the tears falling from her eyes.

"Hey, hey. There's no need to cry. Everything is fine... well not really. But don't worry, ok. I'll tell you about it after school, ok? Don't worry, Ochako, everything will be fine." I whispered as I comforted my friend. I felt Ochako nod against my shoulder as we maintained the hug for a few more minutes before pulling away and smiling sweetly at each other.

"You're too sweet, Zuzu. You'd be great with kids. In fact, didn't that little kid Kota send you a thank you letter for saving him. I can't wait to see what type of hero you're going to be!" Mina squealed happily, shaking Kiri who was sat next to her trying to speak to his boyfriend. I blushed slightly and I was about to respond but I was cut off, rather rudely, by Kacchan.

"Oi! Stop shaking my boyfriend, Racoon Eyes! I'm trying to talk to him!" Kacchan snapped, snatching Kirishima from Mina's grasp. A shocked silence circulated around the table as people digested this information.

"Wait! You two are dating!" Hagakure squealed, her uniform moved forward slightly to lean on the table. She was no doubt trying to get closer to Kacchan and Kiri. I watched as Ojiro smiled slightly at Hagakure before guiding her back down into her seat so that Kacchan didn't blow her up for crowding his space.

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