"Why?" Chikara asked

"Well like I said he's the class flirt, and..."

"And? Does he flirt with you?" She nodded "do you want me to stay with you?"

"No, you don't need to do that" she sighed

"But do you want me to?" She nodded again "alright, then it's settled, I'll stay"

"Ok" she said relieved

Once they got to the door y/n knocked, her classmates answered the door.

"Ah, L/n! Hi!" He said not realizing Chikara was there

"Hey shota. my boyfriend is with me, I hope you don't mind" she said as they entered the house

"Boyfriend? I didn't know you had a boyfriend" he said shocked

"I'm Ennoshita Chikara, nice to meet you" he said putting his hand out to shake Shota's

"Nice to meet you too! Are you a first year? I've never seen you around"

"Uh, no, I'm a third year"

"L/n got herself a third year? How'd you manage that sense you're so shy and barely talk, which is cute, but I'm just wondering how this happened"

"He's my neighbor, and he's also captain of the volleyball team which I'm a manager for"

"I didn't know you were a manager! You should come mange the basketball team!"

"She's our manager, you can't have her" Chikara said being playfully possessive

"Oh really?" Chikara couldn't tell if he was joking or not "I think she'd look better on our team"

"I'm the assistant manager of the volleyball team and I like being on the volleyball team" y/n said

"You could be the manager of the basketball team though, not the assistant manager" he smirked

"I like being the assistant manager to Yachi, it's fun" she smiled "and I like being able to watch my boyfriend play the sport he loves"

"Yeah but you could watch me play basketball" Shota smirked "and that's even better"

"Excuse me?" Chikara said clenching his teeth

"It's a fact that I'm hotter then you" he shrugged

"That's a matter of opinion" Chikara scoffed

"Definitely not my opinion" y/n mumbled

"What was that?" Shota asked

"I said it's definitely not my opinion that you're hotter then him" y/n repeated

"Huh?" Shota said in disbelief "you find that" he said pointing to Chikara "hotter then this?" He said motioning to himself

"Yeah" she smiled at Chikara

"Thank you baby" Chikara said wrapping his arm around her waist

"You can get out of my house and you can do the project on your own" Shota shot at them

"Better then working with you" y/n shot back at him before grabbing Chikara's hand and walking out of his house "I'm sorry about him"

"No, it's fine" he still looked mad. Y/n stood in front of him stoping him.

"You're still mad, I can see it" he scoffed and shook his head

"You can see right through me, huh?" He smiled down to her

"Mhm" she smiled "I know you too well"

"That you do" he chuckled wrapping his arms around her "I'll help you with the project sense that douche is an asshole and won't help you just because you don't find him attractive"

"Thank you" she said and then stood on her tip toes to give him a kiss

"Alright, lets go back to my house, or yours, it doesn't matter, we just need to get this project done" he smirked "so we can have cuddle time" y/n's face immediately lit up and she grabbed his hand and started running towards their houses


Word count: 1180

Sorry for the short chapter, I'm just super busy and I'm trying to keep up with my schedule but I may not be able to keep up for the next week or two while I get used to the school routine again

Thanks for reading!
~ Joanna💕

{Unnoticed} [book 1: Daichi's sister] (Ennoshita Chikara x Reader) 𑁍completed𑁍Where stories live. Discover now