Chapter 8

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"Are you an idiot?! You pushed Sweet Pea away so the gun was on your head?!" Aaron yelled.

"Chill Air. Archie would never have shot me but he might have shot Sweet Pea. I was being a leader. That's my job. Remember?" She sighed as she walked into the trailer with Ash.

"You don't just stand in front of a gun!" Aaron yelled.

"Don't you think I know that?!" She yelled back. He was about to say something but she cut him off again.

"Because I do know you aren't supposed to just stand in front of a gun. But this wasn't any gun. It was Archie Andrews' gun. My childhood best friend who would never shoot me. I'm not an idiot. I actually did something smart. I stopped him from shooting another Serpent. Stop treating me like a baby. I'm not a baby. I'm a sixteen year old who has been through more things than you could imagine, making me mature faster. I can hold my own and I can think for myself. And stop acting like my dad. You aren't my dad. He died in a car accident that I was also in, remember? Just leave me alone." She snapped, storming off into her room and slamming the door. She then opened it remembering something.

"Thanks a lot for telling him. So much for the Quad Code!" She yelled and slammed her door again. She then locked it behind her and pulled her phone out. She called Toni, hoping she would answer. After the third ring Toni picked up.

"Ria, are you ok?" She immediately asked.

"Let me guess. Lo and Sav told you." She sighed.

"Yeah." Toni responded.

"I'm fine. Can I stay at yours tonight? I just got in a huge fight with Aaron." Alex sighed.

"Of course. I'll come pick you up in five minutes." Toni said.

"Thanks T. You're the best." Alex sighed.

"No problem." Toni chuckled before hanging up. Alex packed a bag with the things she would need before climbing out her window. As she was closing her window, Toni pulled up. Alex ran over and hopped on the back of Toni's bike. They rode off to Toni's trailer, Ash noticing from inside of the Williams' trailer.


"Are you going to tell me what your fight with Aaron was about or am I just supposed to watch you pace back and forth in my bedroom?" Toni asked.

"He was yelling at me for stepping in front of that gun but I knew Archie would never shoot me. He was my childhood best friend so I knew he wouldn't shoot me but I didn't know about the others so I stepped in front of it so he wouldn't shoot the others. I told Aaron that but he kept saying that I was dumb to do that and that I'm not supposed to step in front of a gun. I know that but it wasn't just any gun." She ranted. "Then I kind of snapped and yelled at him saying I wasn't a baby, that I was more mature than him, and that he wasn't my dad." She sighed.

"Well, how do you feel about what you said?" Toni asked.

"Well, I feel like most of the things I said were partially true but I may have exaggerated them a little bit and I definitely did not tell him in a nice way. And yes he acts like my dad but that's because our father died when I was twelve and he was twenty-one. Uncle FP was helping him raise the four of us but now it's only him. He was basically thrown into raising us and he's been doing a great job. I feel really bad for yelling at him. He didn't have to raise us but he stepped up and did it. I just, I don't know how I'm going to be able to face him after saying all of that." Alex said, tears starting to run down her face.

"You just wait a little bit to make sure you have calmed down and then you apologize to him. He knows you. He knows you love and appreciate him. He also knows that you were just mad. I'm pretty sure he was yelling at you because he was scared." Toni explained, walking over to Alex and pulling her into a hug.

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