𝐯𝐢𝐢. it was an accident

Start from the beginning

Her heart was racing, her ears ringing, stomach twisting, and she felt lightheaded. 

Those poor people, she thought to herself. Winky ... those muggles ...

Her mind racing with a swarm of negative thoughts that engulfed her entire body tying her down like an anchor to a sinking ship. She felt heavy, unable to control her own body as she wailed out in pain, unable to catch her breath, gasping for air.

During this time that she was on the floor, Hypnos had flown out of his unlocked cage and flew over her, Poppy had woken up from her nap and stood by the girl looking up at her with an expression that almost looked concerned. 

Nyx trembled and stay that way for about two minutes and as quickly and randomly as the episode came, the sensation stopped. She got off her knees, steadying her breathing, and sat down on the ground, legs sprawled out in front of her as she buried her face in her hands. Her vision blurred, and her body's fatigue finally defeated her mind's stubbornness to stay awake ... Nyx fainted on the floor, cheeks still damp with tears.

Nyx woke up with a start, her eyes darting around madly, her body on edge as though she was in imitate danger. Nyx calmed down however when she realized where she was, and when she heard Poppy's loud meowing from Nyx to her. She sat up, back aching because she'd slept on the ground in an uncomfortable position. Her room was lightened with the sun that was high up in the sky — she must have been out for a few hours at least considering she'd only arrived in the early morning. 

Nyx looked down to her sides, Poppy and Hypnos were both looking up at her wide-eyed.

"It was just another nightmare," Nyx told them quietly, then stood up and stretched out her body; she still felt drained. "Nothing to worry about." 

Nyx walked over to the bathroom that was connected to her bedroom, turning on the lights she was almost startled by her reflection. She looked dreadful, almost as horrible as she did when she'd been possessed by Tom Riddle's diary.

She turned on the tap, cupped her hands and splashed cold water on her face to wake her up fully. Nyx wondered how the others were doing. They were likely back at Ron's house, coming to terms with what had happened. Nyx thought of Mrs. Weasley and wondered if the papers had already gotten wind of what had happened. If so, the woman must have been delighted to see everyone come back all right. 

Nyx smiled softly, she wished she could have gone back with them. She wanted to spend more time with her friends and get to know more about Ron's family. Maybe ask his brother Charlie about the dragons he worked with.

The girl rubbed her face and stared back at her appearance. The dried tears and drool were now gone, but she could still see the dark circles under her eyes.

"Percy works for the Ministry now, doesn't he? I wonder if he knows," the thought crossed Nyx's mind suddenly. But she shook it away, Percy hadn't even been working there for a year ... the Ministry wouldn't just divulge that kind of information.

But how many people knew? There was the obvious the Death Eaters within Voldemort's most inner circle, this included Severus, the Malfoys, and a Miss Bellatrix Lestrange. Outside of the Death Eaters, there was Cornelius Fudge, Dumbledore, Mr. and (maybe) Mrs. Weasley, Professor Lupin, Sirius, Pettigrew, Mr. Couch and those Ministry agents including Mr. Diggory.

From that, who had they told? What would happen if the press found out? What if a Daily Prophet article was written about her? What if her classmates found out ... if the whole wizarding world knew —

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