The Plan

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Is it really him? How can I not recognized him?

"Hello, are you still there? It's really me, Jez. I have been waiting for the day I can finally meet you again. How have you been? I want to know everything that happened to you since you left," he said.

I can't believe it is really him. I have written letters to him before but were not able to send them. I kept all the letters waiting that one day I would be able to give them to him personally.


"I can't believe it is really you. I am speechless. How could you recognize me? You look very different that's why I never thought that it was you." I explained.

"I don't look fat anymore, right? Haha! And more handsome of course. You know I was disappointed at you before. You didn't send me any letters. I was waiting the whole time. I wanted to write you letters but I didn't know where to send them."

"I am sorry. I was busy." I lied.

"That's it? You were busy? I really missed you that time. How could you not send me letters just because you were busy?" He sounds disappointed.

"I am sorry but that was the truth." I said.

"Okay, I can't do anything about that? Anyway, how are you? Are you married now? Boyfriend? Do you have a child? Tell me! I want to know everything that happened to you! Ah no, I want you to tell them to me personally. When can we meet? I will be free tomorrow night? How about I pick you up from your workplace? Where is it anyway?" He seems excited.

"I am not sure about tomorrow. I will send you a message." I still can't believe the fact that I am actually talking to him now. I have waited for a long time to get any news about him. I have always been curious of how he is and what he is doing. And now I am talking to him, and I don't know what to tell him.

"You don't seem happy to meet me? Are you okay? Is there anyone who would be angry if we go out?"

"No. I am happy that I finally meet you again. I just can't believe this is happening. And no. No one would be angry if we meet. I would love to meet you." I said.

"I really missed you. You don't have any idea how happy I was when I saw you in the bar. I knew it was you when I first saw you but I needed to be sure so I asked for your name." He explained.

"Sorry. I didn't recognized you." I apologized.

"It is okay. I totally understand. Ah! About my last name, remember my mom's boyfriend before? They got married and he adopted me so I am now using his surname."

"I see." I said.

"If I don't have a gig tonight, I will definitely visit you, too bad I have to work. I'm really excited to catch up with you." I can feel his sincerity. "We missed a lot of activities together. Now, we can do all those things that we imagined before. We can watch movies, travel, eat in restaurants, go to bars and meet each other's friends. What do you think?"

"That sounds nice. I would love to do those things, with you." I finally can say how much I want to be with him and how happy I am now to see him again. "Yeah, I think we can meet tomorrow. I will send you the address of my workplace."

"Good. I am really excited. I will see you tomorrow, Jez. I can't wait."

And the call ended.

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