Is it for real?

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Lance Mendez. A name which I heard for the first time but seems music to my ears. His smile makes my bones weak, my cheeks red and my heart flutter. He is what every woman would dream of.

"Hey, Jez. It's rude to stare. Lance is offering a handshake," Annie exclaimed.

I am back to reality. I am so embarrassed. What was I thinking!

Everyone on the table is looking at me, waiting for my response. I got his hand and gently shake it. His hand is soft and his skin is smooth. He is still smiling and seems like waiting for something.

"And, your name?" he added.

"Jessica, yeah, Jessica," I replied stuttering.

"Nice name, Jessica. Can I buy you a drink?" he asked.

"No, thanks," I answered. I can't look at him directly, having him in front of me makes me tense, and I don't know why.

"How about any song request? I can ask my group to play it for you" he said.

"I, uhmm, I can't think of anything, I can't actually think right now. How about, uhmmm, My way," I replied.

"Hahahaha. You're funny. Or don't tell me you're serious requesting that song?" he said.

"Hahaha. Of course, I was joking, haha!" but actually I was serious. It is difficult to force a smile and a laugh in front of the person who makes me feel so awkward. That was the only song I could think of at this time. What song was he expecting?

"We have five more songs to play during the second set. I hope I can join you guys for a few drinks after," he said.

"Sure!", everyone exclaimed. "That would be lovely!"

"I'll see you later, then, Jessica. And I'm sorry we cannot play your song," he finished still with a smile on his face and left.

Everyone turned to me when he was gone.

"I think he likes you Jez," Annie shouted, looking so surprised but in a positive way. "That was really awesome. I am speechless."

"Me, too," I replied.

The next minutes passed by so fast. I was thinking the whole time how crazy and stupid I was to act that way. What happened to me? My way! Who on earth would request for that song in a bar? I wish I will disappear right at that moment! And he said he will join us for a drink after? Is he also crazy? Should I make an excuse? I have headache Annie, I want to go home! But that will be an obvious lie. What am I going to do? I was panicking the whole time and I didn't realize that the band already sang their last song.

"Thank you for coming tonight, and I hope you enjoyed our performance. Have a wonderful evening everyone," the vocalist said.

My heart began to beat faster and I think I will explode soon. I keep looking on the stage and check what the band members are doing, especially Lance.

I saw them form a circle and it seems like they are having a small meeting. After two minutes, they separated and went to the back except Lance. As he promised, he came back to our table. He came directly in front of me, laid a pen and a piece of paper on the table and said,

"As much as I want to stay, we have an urgent matter to attend to. Can I have your phone number, please?" smiling cutely.

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