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I had been sitting on the porch for almost three hours now and I was very happy with my paper. I was not happy, however, with Lilly sitting next to me and fidgeting around the whole time. She had tried to start on several things while waiting. Like her paper stuff, reading a book or even take a nap but she could not stick to anything.

I had no idea she would be that much looking forward to that calf. Or rather, Wilma's milk. I was quite happy with Annie's but, no. Wilma's milk was the best milk ever and no one would ever convince her that another cow would do just as well.

It was kind of cute to see her like that and I was glad that I was not one of her daughters that would have to endure her impatience when they started dating or something.
When she started to bump her leg against the table, I finally lost my patience.

"Jesus, woman! Calm down! Take a walk, go dance in the garden or I don't know what, but please! Work of that energy, you are driving me crazy!" She gave me a sullen look.

"Sooorryyyy. But I hate waiting!" She whined.

"Oh really? Wouldn't have noticed." She rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at me.

"How about you start cooking? It is almost time for lunch, and I am starving. Then I can finish this damn paper and you will have something useful to do to pass the time and we will both be better off afterward."

"How can you even work right now?" She asked me, still sulking and playing with her fingers.

"By god, it is not like a family member of mine was giving birth!" I exclaimed, but a smile was tugging at my lips.

"Wilma is family. How can you even say something like that?" Lilly snapped back. I threw my hands up in the air.

"I need one more hour to get this done, Wilma won't do anything in that time, and you can cook. It is your job to keep me fed and happy, right?" I raised my brows at her, and she raised her eyes towards the heavens.

"Fiiiineee." She dragged out and heaved herself from her chair. "You are mean." She said and pointed her finger at me.

"Love you, too." I blew her a kiss, and she flipped me the bird before disappearing into the house. I chuckled slightly to myself and turned my attention back to the task ahead of me.

I was almost done, just needed some more justifications and then I could send it off to my professor and finish the second paper probably tomorrow night. I still had two weeks, but I wanted this to be done with and start into the weekend with nothing more to do.

Especially since I knew that Serena and Amy would not give me one minute of peace during the weekend and then I would only have five more days and I did not like pushing stuff to the very end of a deadline in case of emergencies. I did not intent to mess anything up with my studies. I loved what I was doing and wanted to be as best at it as I could.

I was a free spirit and adventurous, but I also knew that nothing would be handed to me on a silver platter. I had always had to work my ass off and I would continue doing so.

I could hear Lilly singing through the kitchen window while she was cooking and smiled to myself. Suddenly I heard her yell my name and I looked up from the screen to see her head poking out the window.

"You want a beer?" she asked.

"Isn't it a bit early in the day?" I shouted back but my face already told her my answer.

"It is 5p.m. somewhere and otherwise you won't be able to keep up with my mood." I laughed and confirmed that. And she tossed me a beer through the window which I caught, luckily.

My Summer In The Valley Where stories live. Discover now