"Seems like you're heading home faster than I thought sweetheart,"

At his words, a look of scorn was left on the younger girl's face. She couldn't wait for it to be over, specifically the part where the man was never going to get the chance to hurt her or anyone else again. She wasn't a violent person but sometimes her character was tested and this was one of those times Brie thought.

. . .

Carter had left the building and got back to his car. Inside the old truck, Brian waited, eyeing his old friend once he'd climbed in and started steering the car into traffic. "She's alive and well. She's just scared to death though."

"I imagine she is."

"He wants six million dollars in threes days." The man says nonchalantly, handling the car like the expert he was, waiting for his friend to respond. He'd glanced over to him, seeing the way his pale eyes remained focus on the road, the muscles in his jaw working. He could see the tiredness in his soul and that was to be expected from anyone who lost a child and seeking for the return of another, all having occurred on the same day. He was cognizant that his dear friend was going through the worst of it all.

"I don't have that type of money, Carter." Brian confides shortly. He wishes he could've said that he did but that would be a blatant lie.

"I never expected you too. This is where they lend a hand. Money isn't a problem for them Brian, remember that."

"But what about our plans, do you think it would be plausible to ruse the two smartest gang you've ever encountered?"

"No, but I'd die trying. I haven't had this much adrenaline rush since Jean found that girl in our bed a few years ago. This tops it, certainly."

Shaking his head at his friend's usually pertinacious way of thinking, Brian did his best to remain calm and rational. He had all faith in God that he was going to turn everything around for them, leading his daughter safely home to him and then laying his son to rest. It was all he could hope for, a little bit of peace and safety.

* * *

"I can have that money to him in no time," Raye speaks enthusiastically. She was relieved, hyped, nervous, happy. She was pacing her uncle's office. They were practically doing the same but he was a short distance away.

After learning of the interaction with Brienna's family friend with Quinn, the girl was far more hopeful than ever and placed in a slightly better mood. They were going to get her baby back and that wasn't a wish but a promise.

"Are you sure you can manage that on your own?"

"Yes. Even if it means giving him every dime I have for her I am more than willing to. I'd sell everything. My cars, all the stuff I own." Raye was adamant. She spoke no lies or stuttered. She meant what she said.

Luca had walked over, standing there looking at her. The girl was in deep concentration, thinking about who knows what.

"I know it was basically us that caused this but it doesn't negate how lucky Brienna is doll. I know of many men who would've sealed her fate by refusing to pay or deeming her a lost cause. Put aside the awful things, you'd go all out for her and I hope one day you get to continue and without the influence of your past."

"I'm making her mines once she comes back, then I'm taking her away. Someplace far where we can live without having to look over our shoulders." She replies softly.

"I don't want her to stress ever again. I'll be out of this life for good. If we have kids in the future I don't want them having to go through any of this."

"I know," her uncle nods.

"I'm sorry I'll be leaving you on your own but I've thought about this for a long ass time and it's what I want. I know you'll be fine because you have the guys, Elia and Gabriele."

"You don't owe me any explanation,"

"I feel like I do. You've said if yourself, it is exhausting doing this, running the mafia and controlling all that goes on. It gets overwhelming and it helps to have familiar faces around and I won't be around as often."

"We were both bred for this, so I'm good," Luca says and she shrugs.

"You were, uncle Paul only chose me because he thought I had potentials and I did. But she came and changed all of that."

"The power of a woman," the man jokes and for the first time in three days, Raye cracks a smile. It wasn't forced, or filled with internal pain but genuine.

It was good to see that things were on the track of getting back to normal. The Paulsons weren't as pessimistic after learning that Brienna's freedom would be exchanged for a sum of cash and among his guys weren't that much tension. Even he felt an astounding amount of weight had lifted from his shoulders. Luca knew they still had lots more to face, but at least it was going somewhere good.

"Now that it's settled, we just need to come up with a way to get the money to him. Maybe we could use Carter,"

"Sounds like a plan."

"You think he'd be willing?" The man asks and Raye's cellphone cuts them both off.

"As promised, I'm keeping up on my end of the deal. Someone wants to say hi," Quinn drawls once the call connects and Raye sighs with relief when she heard shuffling around.

"Raye," Brienna whispers and the girl held her chest, tears coming to her eyes at the sound of her fiance's voice.


They said nothing for a few good seconds. On the other end, Brie's eyes were closed while she listened to Raye's calmed breaths and it did things to her soul. It left her feeling safe and once again assured that she would be fine.

"I'm gonna get you back soon, do you hear?"

"I know, and I love you okay."

"I love you too," Replies Raye, the feeling welding up thick within her chest. It left her feeling happy and sad all at once. It's as though she was able to pick up on Brie's emotion too because it was strong.

"Did anyone hurt you?"

Quinn took the phone away after hearing the question, he puts it close to his lips.

"She's fine. Now about our little agreement. Bring me my money Tuesday. I don't care which one of you do it, but I expect it to be either you or your uncle. That's the only way I'm giving her back, do we have a deal?"

"Yes," Raye answers without missing a beat. She knew her uncle would disagree but she wasn't going to ask him to do it. "I'll bring it to you."

"Lovely. We have lots to talk about when you get here. Come by one of my clubs." He says, eyeing Brienna with wicked intent.

"Oh, and if you try anything questionable I will not hesitate to light her body up like the fourth of July right in front of you."

The line goes dead and Raye is left with a burning sensation in her throat.

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