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Bakugo POV
I'm a villain now I guess

That is kind of sad for me

I've always wanted to be a hero

But I don't want to leave him

I like him loads

"Who's up for suicide spuad" toga said

Everyone nodded

"Why suicide spuad" I said

They looked at me and laughed

"Suicide spuad is the only movie in the villains POV and it makes them more likeable" shigaraki said

"Sure" I said

They put the movie on and we were watching it

50 minutes later

We were halfway through the film which I was a bit bored of I actually love suicide spuad

I looked over at Todoroki

He was asleep in my arms

And dabi and the rest were asleep kurogiri was awake

He was putting a blanket over shigaraki

"Here you go" kurogiri said

He gave me a blanket

"Can I ask you a question" I said

He nodded

"why do you like being a villain" I then said

"At first I didn't want to be one but shigaraki and the others there like the children I never had" he said

He put a blanket over dabi

"You may of thought Todoroki was young when he joined but the master he found dabi when he was twelve and shigaraki was nine" he said

He put a blanket over toga

I put the blanket over me and Todoroki

And I slowly fell asleep

I woke up suddenly

I heard a scream

We all got up

It was Todoroki

Dabi quickly got up and went over to Todoroki

He hugged him

Suddenly a load of dust fell on everyone

I looked

It was shigaraki

When he woke up he touched his blanket

"Gross" dabi said

"It's just a blanket it's nothing" shigaraki said

"Wait Wait Wait" toga said

"What" dabi said

"The sports festival is on later today" Toga said

"You watch that" I said

"Every year so we learn there advantages and disadvantages plus it's pretty funny to see when they get injured" Todoroki said


We went. Back to Todoroki room

Me and Todoroki that is

"I'm going to take a shower" he said

I nodded

"Wait" I said

He looked at me

"What was that earlier you screamed" I said

"It was nothing" he said

"It wasn't nothing you looked mortified" I said

"I felt lonely My head was filled with darkness all I could see was me and darkness I was screaming for help and then I woke up" he said

I went up to him and hugged him

"Your not alone you have me dumbass" I said

His phone buzzed

He looked at it

He grabbed my arm and dragged me down stairs

We sat on the sofa with the others

"What are we doing" I said

"The sports festival" Todoroki said


We were watching it until the end

And four eyes one

"I would have won if I was there" I said

"Where is that iida person anyway he's not on stage only that bird guy" shigaraki said

"Sadly iida can't be here to win his reward family issues" present mic said on the tv

"Turn it to channel 3" Toga suddenly said


"Just do it" she said

Kurogiri done it

Dabi toga and Todoroki all went closer to the tv

Something about the hero killer stain was on the tv

"I don't understand why you lot are obsessed with him" shigaraki said

"Same" I said

"Your Just jealous of him" dabi said

"No people just talk about him more than they do us and it's pissing me off" he said

The tv said that the hero killer had attacked the hero injunium

They all laughed

I stayed quite

"What's wrong" Todoroki said

"Nothing I'm just surprised" I said

"What about"

"I mean how would you like it if you were in the hero's situation" I then said

"Yes but how would the hero feel if he was in our situation" shigaraki said

"What do you mean in your situation" I said

"I was left on the streets to fend for myself they thought the hero's would save me so they didn't do anything" shigaraki said

"I was called a freak by the hero's because of my father quirk" toga said

"I left home when I was eleven and I was burning on the streets and the hero's looked at me and done nothing" dabi said

"And my father who was the number two hero hurt me until I broke hero's are selfish don't forget that" Todoroki said

I can't believe the words coming out of Todoroki mouth

Even he disagrees with me

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