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Bakugo POV
Why am I saying these things he's a villain I can't trust

I went near his bed and sat down

He quickly pushed me out The was

"Watch out" he said

I was pushed off the bed

And a long blade came up and he sliced his hand

The blade was right where I was sitting

He winced in pain

"Oh my god are you ok" I said quickly running over to him

The blade made a deep wound

Velvet blood was going everywhere

"I'm fine in the desk is a first aid kit" he said

I went to his desk and loads of his knives were in his desk

"I said under the desk not in the desk" he shouted

"No need to scream"

"I'm bleeding out just hurry up" he said

I looked under the desk to find a plaster

"This isn't a first aid kit this is a simple plaster" I said

"Well I don't know what to do I've never even been to school to learn first aid"

"Actually you learn in cubs scouts" I said

"If you know so much in the scout cubs or whatever you said you should know how to help"

Wait I do

"Look let's calm down it's just a hand wound" he said

"Look let me go down to the bar and get some kind of alcohol" I said

"my secret stash is over there" he said while pointing

"Your under age"

"And I'm a villain it's a rough life" he said

I went to the alcohol section

And grabbed vodka

I opened the bottle and put it near his hand

"This is gonna hurt like mad okay" I said

He nodded

I poured it over his hand

He screamed

And people rushed up

"What's happening" dabi said

"I think he needs stitches we need to go to the hospital" I said

"No" shigaraki said

"What did you say to me" I said

"He said no we're villains we can't do that" dabi said

"Then what are we going to do" I said

"Toga get your sewing stuff" Todoroki said

"You could get an infection though"

"Would you rather me bleed out" he said

Toga came back with her sewing supplies

She came over to him

"Wait" I said

I took my tie from my UA uniform

"Chew on this" i said

He put it in his mouth

He nodded at toga

Toga started to put the needle through his skin

He was screaming like mad but we couldn't hear it because of the tie in his mouth

She was going in and out of the wound with the needle and he was screaming

Dabi couldn't watch his brother in pain

"One more stitch" toga said

She finished it

He spat the tie out

"You just saved my well hand" he said to me

"You saved my life can't have you hold that grudge against me What was that anyway"

"I set a trap so if anyone comes in my room and sits on my bed they will be sliced the only people it doesn't happen too are me and the rest of the league so if you don't mind giving me your hand" he said


I gave him my hand

He started to twist a few gadgets on the blade machine

"Do you trust me" he said

"Do I really have to say it again" I said

He smiled

He got a knife out of his pocket and pricked my finger

And poured the blood from my finger on it

"Does this mean we're blood brothers now" I joked

"What's blood brothers" he said

"The book the play"

He looked confused

"Just forget I said anything we can't be brothers that would be weird" I said

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