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todoroki POV


"stand up" my father said

tears fell from my eyes

"please i cant" i cried

"your not five anymore shoto your 13 you don't have excuses anymore," he said

i stood up

he kicked my stomach and i fell to the ground

he made a fire whip

"no no please father"

he whipped the right side of my face

i screamed in pain

i heard foot steps going up the stairs 

"what have you done to him" fuyumi said 

she rushed over to me and she was checking my face

all that was going through my mind was that it burned it burned so much i couldn't 

i need to make it stop i need to make the pain go away

"make it stop make it stop" i cried

"what does he mean" natsuo said

"it might be the burn," fuyumi said

use ice it will go away then the pain will go

my ice was being used 

it wasn't doing anything 

if its possible its made the pain worse i already have one burn mark i don't need another

i felt a burning sensation on my back and then on my stomach and then on my scar that my mother gave me 

i didn't have time to scream

i cant take this anymore

that man doesn't deserve to be here

neither do they they have never done anything until this day 

he stopped he saw how injured i was 

i had time to scream again so i did 

i screamed so loudly dogs were barking from all over town

but then my quirk activated 

my flames were set off the left side of me where my siblings were and the over side i made ice spikes where my father was

my eyes were shut i couldn't bare to watch but then i opened them

my siblings were burning to death 

and my father the ice spikes went through him

what was i meant to do i felt like i should've been crying 

but i wasn't i was laughing maniacally  

why was that

i was sat there laughing for five minutes

until this man came in the room

for starters how did he get in here and also what is he going to say when he sees what ive done

"i didn't do it i swear" i said 

where are my acting skills i could even tell i was lying 

that man looked weird he had a sort of blue mask on 

villain {todobaku} [villain todoroki]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora