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todoroki POV

"what do you mean by that" he said

"nothing you would understand" i said


we were suddenly interrupted

"what the hell are you doing young bakugo"

a tall very muscly man said

"oh look who it is all might himself" i said

all might came up to me got the hand cuffs and stuck them back on me

he pulled the chains on my legs back to where they were and i couldnt go anywhere near the door

"leave us bakugo" all might said to him

bakugo did so

"i was told to come to find out about who you are but i recognise you do i know you" he said

"you mean you dont remember me you dont remember what you promised me"

he shook his head

"tell me your name im not good with faces but i am with names"

"you want to know my name look at me in the eyes and tell me what my name is"

he took a torch out from somewhere i dont know where

he shone it at me


bakugo POV

he told me to leave but im katsuki bakugo when do i ever do as im told

i was by the door looking at what he was doing he shone a torch at he villain


all might POV

"red and white hair blue and grey eyes and burn mark you you cant be" i said

"say my name say it" he shouted

"your not him he perished in that fire with his siblings"

"you told me to piss off when i was seven because i wanted your help and when i was eight i showed you the gash mark my father made on me on my arm when i was nine you gave up on ignoring me and to make me stop you promised me you would bring my mother back if i left you alone and when i was thirteen my soul died in that fire i created my siblings died in that fire and my father i put an ice spike through his chest and burned his dead body to cover up that it was me" he said

"prove it"

"take the chains off my arms"

"why would i do that" i said

"because i may want to escape but my true ideas were to make you feel pain if i cant do it physically then i'll do it mentally"

i want to make sure its him i have too

i took the chains off his arms

he lifted his sleeve

and it showed that gash on his arm from all those years ago

then he lifted his other sleeve

on his arm was carved 'train harder'

then he lifted up his jeans there were all scars

and he lifted his shirt and there were all burn marks as well as on his face

"say my name you bitch" he said

villain {todobaku} [villain todoroki]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant