"Here," Merlin huffed, dragging Arthur's chain mail from the wardrobe and throwing it at him.

Arthur pulled it on over his shirt and, Excalibur rescued and in hand, made for the door.

"Wait! That's not even—"

"It'll do," Arthur interrupted, "there's no time for anything else."

Merlin grabbed his arm as he turned to leave. "Arthur I— I'm sorry."

The Prince shook his head. "We both did this. And we'll both fix it. Now stay close, we've got to find my Father." And, without waiting for a reply, Arthur moved from Merlin's grip, launching himself back into the corridor at a run.


The throne room was in chaos. The floor was littered with buckets and dribbles of water. Servants and guards were darting about, trying desperately not to get in each other's way as they made for the wells or waited to receive orders from the King. Uther stood in the middle of the room, a crown atop his head and a sword in his hand, looking as though he were a warrior to be reckoned with. The same could not be said for Agravaine. It was very obvious that he'd just woke up: his hair was scruffy, his boots weren't on properly, and he had a dagger in place of a sword.

Arthur burst into the room, Merlin at his side, and made straight for his Father.

Uther spotted him instantly. "Arthur! I've given orders for the villagers to be woken and buckets to be filled at the wells. We must have all who are able put to work. The fires must be put out wherever they can—"

Arthur's eyes widened. "It's not safe to have people crowding the streets! Father, the fires—"

"They'll be seen to."

"Father, you don't understand. We're under attack. There's a dragon out there! A dragon! It'll burn anything in its path, and that includes people! You can't send people to their deaths to protect this castle. We must evacuate them. If they don't leave now, the village could burn too and them with it—"

"I know! I know what's out there! But the castle must be protected. Those seeking shelter from the fires can come here."

"How could they?" Arthur could feel his anger rising, "the castle is surrounded by a wall of flames! Flames from a dragon whose kind are supposed to be extinct! But you kept one — you kept one as a trophy and you lied to us all. You lied to me. What else have you kept hidden? How many more secrets do you have? How many more lies?"

"That's enough!" Uther roared. "The knights have already been sent for — they've been given orders to arm themselves with spears and crossbows and hold position on the battlements. That dragon is the last of its kind and it will be killed."

Arthur opened his mouth to argue, but then thought better of it.  As much as he was furious with his Father, he was also furious with himself; after all, it had been his idea to set the dragon free, and now others were paying for it.  His first duty was to Camelot and its people.  Their safety was his top priority.  And that meant stopping the dragon.  At all costs.

Merlin jumped as Arthur whirled around and began marching back towards him and the door.  "Plan?"  He asked, falling into step with the Prince.

A Different Destiny / Merthur Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora