I stepped into my bedroom and tipped the contents of my shopping bags onto the bed to see what I should wear. Id bought 2 outfits and wasn't sure what to go with. Id bought black skinny jeans and a leopard print blouse but I was worried it wasn't dressy enough. And my other outfit was a strapless navy satin dress. I knew Sarah would want me to wear the dress so I settled for that. I looked over at the clock and saw it was already 6 so I quickly made myself tea and started doing my hair and make-up. I heard my phone ping with a text 'hey, looking forward to seeing you tonight Amy. Maybe a cheeky dance? :P Liam xxx'

I smiled. I'd known Liam for a while as he worked with Jake at the same building firm. They were both carpenters and Jake introduced us but Liam had a girlfriend then.  Liam was attractive though and I was looking forward to seeing him. I text him back 'I'm looking forward to seeing you too. I'll save a dance for you :) xx'

I checked myself in the mirror one last time.  I had curled my hair and kept my make-up minimal but still sexy. I was happy with how I looked so I left my flat and made my way to Sarah's. I was borrowing a pair of her heels so luckily I had flats to walk round in! I got to their front door and knocked

''It's open!'' Sarah called out so I opened the door and went through Sarah was pouring 4 glasses of wine in the kitchen straight ahead.

''You couldn't come to the door because you were 3 metres away?'' I lifted my eyebrows at her and she stuck her tongue out at me ''come here! I've got something to tell you'' she whispered. I crept over to her ''what?''

''Calum's not coming here first anymore; he's meeting us at the club. Apparently her highness wanted to go for a meal first'' she told me whilst rolling her eyes.

''Oh right, that explains the 4 glasses then'' I laughed

''Yup. Liam's here in the lounge'' she winked at me ''Amy you look gorgeous by the way!''

''Thanks babe. So do you'' I smiled. Sarah did look great. Her blonde hair was straightened to perfection and she was wearing a really nice floaty pink dress which was short! But she looked amazing none the less. We picked up the 4 glasses and took them through to the lounge.

''Finally'' a voice said. I looked over to see Liam smiling at me. He still looked great. His blonde hair was styled and his green eyes were piercing into me. He wore a black polo shirt which emphasized his muscular chest and arms. I imagined his muscular arms around me and blushed.

''Hey Liam'' I smiled warmly at him. Me and Sarah joined them on the sofas and we slipped into easy conversation. Drinking our wine until Jake told us that the taxi had arrived. Me and Liam went down to the taxi whilst Jake and Sarah locked up. Liam's hand went on the bottom of my back and he whispered in my ear ''you look amazing by the way Amy''

I smiled up at him ''thanks Liam'' we climbed into the taxi and waited for Sarah and Jake. Eventually they came down and we made our way to the club. Mercy was the biggest club in our city and that's where we were going tonight. Calum had text Jake to say that they were there already so our taxi dropped us off and we went inside. Liam took my hand to keep me with him as it was busy. His hand was so big around mine and lumpy with callouses from him working with wood. He grinned down at me as he walked me over to where Jake and Sarah had now stopped. I looked up to see Calum staring at me and his girlfriend looking like she had smelt something bad under her nose. She was the usual blonde, big boobs, tiny figure girl that Calum was usually seen with. He hadn't changed at all, he still looked just as sexy and I could feel my heart already beginning to flutter.  His brown hair was tousled and I just wanted to run my hands through it. I felt my cheeks begin to redden and I noticed him raising an eyebrow at me.

''You ok there Amy? You look a bit hot'' Calum grinned at me

''I'm fine thanks Calum'' I stuttered back whilst staring into his eyes

''Right drinks!'' Sarah called out bringing me back to reality

The boys went to the bar to get drinks and Sarah nudged me and pointed to the dance floor. I grinned and nodded.

''Are you coming Jenny?'' Sarah asked Calum's girlfriend

''Oh no I don't dance'' she replied walking over to Calum. Me and Sarah looked at each other and laughed.

''Is she being serious?'' Sarah asked. I shrugged my shoulders and we went off to dance. Jake kept bringing our drinks over to us as we had the best spot on the dance floor and we didn't want to leave. We were gradually getting more and more drunk as our dancing got more and more raunchier together.

''I think I'm going to need to steal my girlfriend back before you guys turn lesbian'' Jake laughed as he danced behind Sarah. She smiled up at him and kissed him. I felt 2 arms come around me. I looked round and saw Liam. He grinned down at me as I grinded against him. I was starting to feel the effect I had on him as his erection came through his jeans. I looked up and saw Calum watching me from the side with Jenny talking to him about something but his brown eyes were locked on me and my body. I blushed and carried on. I noticed that Sarah and Jake were now sat on the sofas with Calum and Jenny. His eyes were still on me.

''I'm so hot for you right now Amy'' Liam whispered in my ear as his hands dug into my hips pushing me onto his erection even more, making me gasp

I knew the drink was clouding my head as I turned to face him ''let's see what I can do for you then hey?'' I replied

His eyes widened at me and I could see lust embedded in them. He leant down and softly touched his lips against mine. My arms snaked around his neck and my hands were in his hair, pulling. His hands were on my hips pulling me closer to him where I could feel his erection in-between my thighs. He moved his hands to my bum as he deepened the kiss. His tongue ran across my bottom lip asking for permission to enter, I opened my mouth and let him in where our tongues felt each other. But Calum popped in my head and I wanted to be doing this with him not Liam. Liam's mouth moved to my neck where he planted small kisses. I gently pushed him away; he looked at me in surprise.

''Liam I'm not feeling that great, I think I'm gonna go home''

''Oh ok. Do you want me to come with you?''

''That's sweet of you but I'll be fine. I'll just go say bye to the others''

''I'll walk you over'' he replied

We walked in silence to the others on the couches. Sarah winked at me as we got to them. I blushed and felt Calum watching me.

''I'm gonna go guys. I'm not feeling that great''

''You sure babe? We can come with you?'' Sarah asked looking worried

''No that's fine. I'll just grab a taxi. You guys stay I don't want to ruin your evening'' I smiled at them

''Are you sure?'' she asked again.

 I nodded "yeah honestly, I'll be fine once I'm tucked up in bed"

''ok well text me when you get home safe ok?'' she told me

''Course I will'' I smiled. 

I said my goodbyes to everyone. Liam waIked me outside to where the taxi's were waiting. I had an awkward hug with Liam with him asking again if I needed him to come back with me. I shook my head and thanked him for the offer. I walked over to a  black cab and got in, waving to him as I left. I let out a sigh of relief. I liked Liam but didn't think there was anything there. The kiss was nice but all I could of was Calum. I arrived back at my flat. I collapsed on the sofa and text Sarah to let her know I was home safe and I went to grab a glass of water from the kitchen. I turned on the tap filling my glass when I heard the faint ping of my phone. I walked over to it thinking it would just be Sarah when I found the text was from Calum. I opened it nervously.

'Liam's not a patch on me :p xx'

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