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Nishimura Riki, or Niki, hadn’t expected much when he moved to his new school in Korea, let alone being dragged by a very energetic boy to the rooftop of the school during lunchtime. Now, you may be wondering how Niki had gotten himself into this situation. It’s quite an interesting story, in Niki’s opinion.

Niki had made his way to the entrance of his new school, clutching the one strap of his backpack hanging loosely on his shoulder. He entered the school and headed towards the principal’s office, which he knew already knew the location of as the principal himself gave him a tour before the school year started.

As Niki made his way out the principal’s office, a kid bumped harshly into him and fell. He looked down at the boy and offered a hand, which the boy gladly took. Niki bowed, muttered a quick apology, and walked right past the boy.

The boy didn’t let it slide and followed Niki.

“Hi!” He said as he caught up with Niki.

Niki looked to his side to see the boy that bumped into him.

“What do you want?” Niki said, looking away from the boy once again.

“I’m Taki!” Taki wrapped an arm around Niki. “And you are?”

And that’s how Niki ended up on the rooftop with an unusually large number of people sitting in a circle. If he counted correctly, there’s 21 of them, not counting him and Taki.

“Hey guys, I brought someone over!” Taki shouted towards the group of boys.

The group of boys stop laughing at whatever they were laughing at before and are now staring at the pair. The boys scoot over to make space for the two, which Taki pulls him down to sit.

Taki then proceeds to introduce Niki to the boys and the boys one by one to Niki. Niki is still trying to process all that just happened.

“So what brings you here, Niki.” The boy who Niki assumes is Heeseung asked. Niki shrugs and replies calmly.

“Taki forced me up here.” Niki said, eyeing the smiling boy next to him.

Niki looked around the faces.

“So what do y’all do up here?” Niki asked.

“Anything going from eating to full-on dance-offs,” The boy Niki figured to be Nicholas said. “Say, kid, are you up for a dance-off?” Another boy, Jay, offered, making a cheer erupt from the boys.

Niki looked around at the eager faces in front of him.

“You’re on.”

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