Chapter 10 - Eliminating 1A

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'Next up.... is the rest of class 1A.' Bakugou smirks at Deku as he motions for the others to come with him as he heads out the door.
'Time to put our quirks to good use.' Bakugou grins in a psychotic way as he cracks his knuckles and his evil commrades follow him.
'But under no fucking circumstance must you lay a finger on Kirishima. You all here me?? If I hear that any one of you even touched him with a finger tip I will fucking murder your ass and send you to hell. We don't touch Kirishima. Are we clear?' Bakugou growls.
'Yeah. Yeah. Crystal.' Kaminari gulps as the others nod.
Bakugou smirks once again and makes his way back to UA high, motioning for the others to act like they normally would.
'So what are our orders Kacchan?' Deku tilts his head.
'Bring me Ashido and Uraraka behind the school building by the end of the day. Understood?' Bakugou barks the order at them.
They all nod and spread out, going their normal directions across the school grounds. Bakugou turns around on his heel and was about to start walking towards the UA training grounds when someone jumps onto his back and wraps his arms around his neck.
'DIE BASTARD!' Bakugou grabs the person behind him and slams them into the ground, face up, and was about to blast them away, stopping only to realise that it was Kirishima who luckily activated his quirk on time, hardening himself to prevent himself from getting hurt and making the concrete crack and crumble around him.
'WOAH. WOAH. WOAH. BAKUBRO CHILL. ITS JUST ME. JESUS CHRIST!' Kiri yells as he deactivates his quirk and sits up with his hands extended out in front of him.
'You jackass. Do you have a death wish or some shit? I could have fucking killed you.' Bakugou grumbles as he helps Kirishima to his feet.
'Sorry Bakugou. I just really missed you and I was so happy when I saw you because you're barely around now. Where do you go all the time?' Kiri whines as he tilts his head.
'I'm a busy person for christ sake.' Bakugou crosses his arms.
'No way in hell can I tell him about this.' Bakugou thinks to himself.
'Bakugou can we spend some time together like boyfriends should?' Kiri makes cute puppy eyes.
'Fine shitty hair. Lets go.' Bakugou grabs Kiri's hand and holds it as he leads the way to his dorm.
Bakugou opens the door to his dorm and pulls Kiri inside, kicking the door shut behind them and pulls Kiri onto the bed next to him.
'So what do you want to do shitty hair?' Bakugou grumbles.
'I want a kiss!' Kiri grins.
'Fine.' Bakugou leans in and gives Kiri a quick kiss on the cheek.
'No silly. A proper kiss.' Kiri whines.
Bakugou rolls his eyes and quickly pecks Kiri's lips.
'I said a proper kiss!' Kiri whines once more.
'Fucking fine!' Bakugou gets on top of Kiri and pins him down to the bed and kisses him.
Kiri smiles and instantly kisses Bakugou back.
'Ya happy now shit for brains?' Bakugou says as he pulls away with a smirk.
'Yeah. I'm happy now Bakugou.' Kiri smiles at him.

A few hours later Bakugou sits up and looks at Kiri.
'Shitty hair, I got stuff to do. I gotta go now.' Bakugou grumbles.
'Oh come on Bakugou!' Kiri makes puppy eyes.
'I'm sorry shitty hair. I have to go.' Bakugou kisses Kiri's forehead and he adjusts his black shirt before leaving the dorm room.
'Bye Bakugou!' Kiri calls out after him.
Bakugou makes his way to the back of the school to see Deku and Todoroki cornering Ashido and Uraraka against the wall.
'Stand down idiots.' Bakugou growls as Deku and Todoroki step away from the two girls.
'Well. Well. Well.... Now isn't it the two girls with some useless quirks.' Bakugou smirks.
'WHAT!? Bakugou our quirks aren't useless asshole!' Mina speaks up loudly in protest while Uraraka remains silent, too scared to speak up unlike Mina.
'Watch your fucking mouth pinky.' Bakugou snarls at Mina.
'Whatever. We're going. Come on Ochaco. Lets go.' Mina grabs Uraraka's arm and tries to walk away.
'Icy hot. Immobilise them with your stupid ice.' Bakugou barks the order at Todoroki.
'Right. You're not going anywhere I'm afraid.' Todoroki swings his right hand at the two girls and freezes them to the spot.
'T-Todoroki?? Since when do you take orders from Bakugou??' Uraraka finally speaks up.
'That is none of your business Uraraka. Sorry.' Todoroki responds with a cold glare in his eyes.
'Let us go damn it!!' Mina yells at Bakugou.
'You're starting to get on my last fucking nerve. Why don't you just shut the fuck up already???' Bakugou says angrily as he steps in front of Mina and extends his hand towards her face.
'Bakugou? What are you doing you idiot? S-stop.' Mina looks at him with fear in her eyes.
'Shut the fuck up Ashido.' Bakugou smirks as he shoves his hand into Mina's face and activates his explosions and blasts Mina in the face multiple times. When he takes his hand away, Mina's head droops down, lifeless, and a small streak of blood flows down the side of her head.
'Ah. Peace and quiet.' Bakugou smirks.
'M-Mina? Mina? Mina??? Mina!!! Bakugou what did you do??? You monster!!!' Uraraka nudges Mina until she realises what has happened and looks at Bakugou with terror in her eyes.
'Todoroki, you can take care of her. Do what you want.' Bakugou grins in a psychotic way as Todoroki nods and melts the ice away from Uraraka and drags her to the side.
'T-Todoroki. Please. Don't do this. This isn't like you Shouto. Please don't.' Uraraka trembles as she looks into Todoroki's emotionless eyes.
Todoroki ignores what she says and he ignites his left hand and brings it closer to Uraraka, the flames reflecting off her terror filled eyes.
'Oh just fucking do it icy hot before I go in there and do it myself.' Bakugou yells at Todoroki in frustration.
Todoroki nods and sends his fire out towards Uraraka, doing what he has to do.
'Good. Let's go. Iida will arrive soon and take care of those two.' Bakugou grins as they walk away.
Bakugou walks back into the dorms and walks through the common area only to spot Denki with a smirk on his face and talking to Kirishima. He stops a distance away from them so that they don't notice him and he watches.
'So Kiri, what do you think of Bakugou? Are you close to him?' Denki tilts his head a little with a smirk on his face.
'Yeah dude. We're really close. What do you expect?' Kiri grins.
'Well maybe you shouldn't be that close. You could hurt him with your quirk.' Denki keeps the smirk on his face.
'What? I would never do th-' But before Kiri could finish his sentence, Denki grabs him and pins him down by the throat and starts charging his quirk.
'Denki what the hell??' Kiri manages to get a few words out.
'Be quiet. This won't hurt.' Denki grins.
'DUNCE FACE YOU PIECE OF SHIT! DIE AND GO TO HELL!' Bakugou grabs Denki by the back of the shirt, yanking him off of Kirishima and he throws him into the wall.
'Fuck.' Denki coughs as he sits up against the wall.
'Stay the fuck away from him. I fucking warned you dunce face.' Bakugou snarls as he helps Kiri up to his feet.
'Hah. Simply throwing me at a wall won't do shit Bakugou.' Denki stands up with a smirk.
'Oh really? I can fuck you up dunce face if that's what you want.' Bakugou snarls at Denki.
'Bring it on.' Denki grins.

Hey guys! Thanks so much for waiting patiently for the next chapter. I was lacking motivation after returning from my holiday and some other stuff happened which messed up my mental state but everything is okay now. Thanks for waiting for this chapter for so long and another thank you for over 3k reads on this story. You guys enjoying my story makes me happy. Sorry for the long wait for this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. Will Bakugou beat up Denki and win their fight? Will Kirishima find out about everything? Who will Bakugou target next? Stay tuned for the next chapter! See you there guys!


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