Trip To Namek

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*~*My POV*~*

Gin landed before she did. " You cheated and you know it " Bulla pouted. " Your just mad cause I won " Gin rolled her eyes. They go inside, Launch, Krillin, Master Roshi, Turtle, and Oolong were there. " Hey, your later then usual " Master Roshi said. " Gin was talking to her Boyfriend " Bulla rolled her eyes. " I was not!! He's not even my boyfriend!!! " Gin shouted back, annoyed, but mostly she was embarrassed. " Whatever " She smirked.

Then the ground is hit with a tremor. Music is heard from outside. It's Bulma. " Guys we need your help! " She runs inside the house. The girls, master Roshi, and Krillin immediately stand up. " What happened? " Krillin asked. " I think there is trouble on Namek " She said. Their eyes widen.
" Namek? Really? I haven't been there in a while " Krillin said. " How did you know something is wrong with Namek? " Master Roshi asked.

" Well, I wanted to see if we can all have a party, it's been exactly 29 years since Frieza was defeated. " She said. " That long? Man time sure does fly by " Krillin said. " Man you guys must be old " Gin remarked. " Yeah mom, and that means that Goku is like 56, and your older then him by 5 years so you must be— " Bulla was cut off. " I'M IN THE SPRING TIME OF MY YOUTH YOU DAMN BRATTS!!! " She yelled.

" Alright alright " Bulla said. " But only someone who is that old would be trying to disprove that fact. " She whispered to Gin who just nodded. " Anyways, I was trying to tell you that we need to go to Namek again, to save them. Their communication system has been disconnected " She explained. " Yeah... I'm gonna Opt out on this one. I already died once, and was near death on Namek and I'm not taking that chance again " Krillin said.

" We'll go! " Bulla and Gin said at the same time. " Alright cool, that makes...10! " She said. They counted all the fighters they know. " What about the other fighters we know? " Bulla asked. " Yamcha and Krillin don't wanna go, and Buu fell asleep " Bulma said.
" He fell asleep? " She asked. " Yup, it happened during the tournament of power " She rolled her eyes. " Wait so we're just gonna go to Namek? " Bulla asked.

Bulma nodded. " Why all of us? What if something happens here? " Gun asked. " Less lip more ship " She said pulling them onto the ship. " Mom's gonna be pretty pissed that we all went off to fight " Gohan said. " Yeah, which is exactly why we won't tell her. " Goku said nervously. " I don't see that working out " Goten said. " Look if we all just say that we went on a trip to find a present for her, then she won't find out " Goku said.

" That should work good " Gin shrugged. " I knew it! " Goku said. " Besides the fact that it should take days, maybe even weeks, to get there and we can't explain that " She added, making Goku frown. " Awww man! I'm gonna be in so much trouble " He said. " Stop acting like a Child Kakarot! Your a saiyan! Have a little pride " Vegeta scolded him. " Yeah, you wouldn't be saying that if you made Chichi angry. " Goku said.

~At Namek~

They landed, after a few weeks. After getting off the ship, they all look around. " Y-you— what are you doing here? " One namekian asked. " We came to check on you guys? Is everything alright? " Goku asked. " You— you must leave here!! Leave now before it's too late!! " He said. " Hey what's going on? " Bulma asked. " Please, I-I beg of you! Leave this place before you get hurt!! " He said clutching Goku's Gi with pure fear in his eyes.

" What's going on? Why do you want us to leave? " Bulma asked. He looked around, and then motioned for them to follow him.

~Inside his house~

They were seated at the table. " There is a great danger that arrived at our planet. Not too long ago " He said. " What is it? " Goku asked. " It is... Slug " He hesitantly said. All but Bulla and Gin were shocked. " Like the animal? " Gin asked. " I think it's a bug " Bulla corrected her. Gin shakes her head. " No I'm pretty sure it's an animal " She argues. " I think I would know. I am the son of a prince and a scientist, also the sister of a company president " Bulla said.

" I would know since I've never failed a test or gotten anything less then an A when you got a D in our recent history report " She said.
" And besides, what does your father have anything to do with this? " She asked. " Well, I would think since my parents are smart then I would also grow up to be smart " She said.
" Intelligence is not a Gene " Gin said. " Well thank god for you, because you might've gained your fathers brains " She said.

" Can you two stop arguing? Slug is a villain that Goku defeated a long time ago! " Bulla scolded them. " How did slug get back? " Gohan asked. " We are unsure of that ourselves, but he said that he will use the dragon balls and wish for immortality " He explained. " Why is it always immortality? " Piccolo asked. " So we just have to beat up slug huh? " Trunks asked.

" Yes, but we do not have much time. The dragon balls will be active in one week " He explained. " I do not wanna drag you into our fight, please... leave while you can " He said. Bulma shakes her head. " Well, now that you've told us this, they won't leave " She said. " I can't wait! I haven't had a good fight since Jiren " Goku said rotating his arm. " I've never even been to a big fight like this " Gin said.

Bulla nodded in agreement. " I guess we can't help it. We've gotta help you guys now " Piccolo said with a smirk. " Yeah, this'll be good. I think I've gotten a little rusty " Tien added. " I just wanna have some food " Goten said. " I'll cook you guys a big meal once you've defeated this guy " Bulma said with a wink. " Then I'm in too I guess" Trunks stretches. " Hmph! I've been waiting to have a different challenge then Kakarot " Vegeta smirked.

" No helping it I guess. When you guys get all riled up no one can stop you " Gohan sighed.

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