Untimely demise

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I stumble down the stairwell, creatures with long legs and oozing slim following hot on my tail. Frantic, I begin taking steps three at a time. A mistake is what that was, and trip I did do. My arms hit the platform hard and the breathe is knocked out of me. Hands grab my arms and pull me up, dragging me down the rest of the way.

"I don't know who you are, but you're not dying on me yet." The stranger mumbles out of breath.

"I should say thank you but we aren't even on the first floor." I reply snarkily

He turns and glares at me while I mock innocence. Screeching echos down the stairwell and we both book it full speed down the last two flights of stairs. We get to the first floor and burst through the exit doors only to stop short. Both our eyes as wide as golf balls as we stare death in the face. There in front of us, were millions of horrifying creatures walking around, climbing trees and buildings, tearing into the flesh of unfortunate people. We scramble back into the building and into the first floor lobby.

"What are we supposed to do now?! We go back out there and we are as good as dead!" I say, looking around, frantically trying to find where to go.

"There has to be a back door here somewhere.." He reply's moving us both deeper into the office.

"Ya know you're a pretty cool person." I mumble.

He looks down at me with a weird look, "What, it's the end of the world. Sue me."

He laughs, "Alright I guess I can understand that, You're a pretty cool guy too."

I roll my eyes, "Okay focus on getting us both out of here."

A crash behind us has us both looking back as the creatures in the stairwell burst through the doors. We scramble into an open office and shit the door, the stranger sets me down and starts pushing the desk up against the door. I feel inclined to mention something to him but I decided to wait until he's finished.

"That should stop them for a little while," he says dusting his hands off on his jeans.

"Great job, now what are we going to do about the glass windows next to the door?" I say pointing next to him.


I scramble up and limp to the windows leading outside, I look around and see nothing but a couple cars and some buildings. I unlatch the window and pull a chair up to it so I can step up.

"What are you doing? We can't go out there we will get eaten!" He exclaimed coming over to grab me.

"What other choice do we have! If we stay here we are dead! If we run we might make it but we might also die. I'm taking my chances."

He lets go and we both help each other out of the window, I glance around the side of the building and nod to him. We both walk slowly to where the cars are and I try the handle.


"Did you really think they were going to unlocked?" He laughs.

I glare at him, "Alright hot shot why don't you show me how its done."

He smirks and rams his elbow into the window of the car, alarms immediately start going off.

"What the hell! Dude your going to attract all of them!" I scream at him.

He ignores me and starts pulling wires out from under the wheel and plays around with the until I hear the car start.

"Jump in! We don't have time to wait."

I do as he says and run to the other side jumping into the passenger seat. He slams the door shut and backs out of the parking lot speeding onto the road. Immediately the creatures have us in their sights and start chasing us down the street. I look behind us as they gain speed reaching the car. Their sharp claw like legs crash through the back window.

We both scream and the boy slams on the break knocking the creature off before speeding off again. I feel the wind rush in and hit me in the face, I shiver and turn back around. My hair flying around me, I look in front of us and see a creature larger then we've seen blocking out way. I scream and the boy swerves going over the curb into a field.

"They're bigger!? What the hell are these things!?" I scream watching it run after us.

"I don't know! But they are hungry. I'm going to try and lose them at the bridge. You can swim right?"

"Your kidding right? Your not actually going to drive us off the bride!?" I yell.

He glances at me sideways before returning to the road, he takes a sharp right and I look forward and see him heading straight for the bridge.

"You can swim right?" He repeats.


I'm interrupted as he takes another sharp turn right off the bridge, I scream and grab into my seat. I turn my head as we hit the water. Immediately it starts to flood into the car. I open my eyes to see the boy trying to get his door open.

"What the hell!? What were you thinking are you trying to kill us!??" I scream trying to get my own door open.

"Would you rather be eaten alive!?" He yells back.

"How are we supposed to get out of here?" I retort.

He struggles and leans back trying to kick the window out. I lean over and kick the window with him, It cracks and we both look at each other.

"On the count of three.. 1..2..3!"

We both kick and the window breaks, water gushing in. I hold my breath and the boy grabs my arm crawling through the hole. I wince as a piece of glass cuts the side of my stomach. We both swim up, but instantly we are forced back down by a strong rush of water. The boy's hold on me falters and we are torn apart. I kick hard, ignoring the pain in my leg, reaching the surface and looking for the boy.

"Hey! Over here!" I hear him yell. I look around and spot him climbing up onto the river bed. I try my hardest to swim to him and I get close enough so that he can reach over and grab me. He pulls me up and we both lay on the ground panting, completely exhausted.

"Don't. Ever. Do. That. Again." I say in between breaths.

He laughs, "My bad for trying to sa-"

A sound of gurgling draws my eyes to him, I scream when I see the leg of one of the creatures sticking right through his chest. I jump up trying to run but the breath is knocked out of me. I can't move.

I look down and see one of it's legs sticking through me. My vision getting very blurry.

I fall to my knees, the creature yanking its sharp talons from my chest.

I look over to the boy and our eyes connect as the life leaves them.

Dying slowly.

What an untimely demise.

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