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~(Photo attached to this story in not my drawing)~

I stare out my window, rain trickling down the sheer glass. I see the sky light up as lightning strikes somewhere in the world, shuddering as thunder closely follows. My legs pressed against my chest, chin pressed firmly on my knees. The thunder roars to life once again and I jump slightly. I hear my phone buzzing on the hardwood desk in front of me. I stare desolately at the light of the screen, a name at the top not recognizable through the haze of my tears. I glance down at my burning wrists, blood slowly trailing down my stiff fingers. More thunder, I jerk so hard it nearly causes me to fall. My phone lights up again, more buzzing, more thunder.
    I can feel my emptiness inside grow, I barely feel the pain in my wrists anymore. The emotional scarring inside of me, causes another wave of tears to pour down my face. I make no sounds, no movement. More buzzing; I pick up the phone and answer. I hear a voice, my head is fuzzy. It keeps going on and on, but nothing registers.
    "Chloe please! Listen to my voice, I'm on my way there! Please say something. Tell me you are okay!?" I try to speak, waves of nausea hit me, my phone hits the floor. My head falls back, I stare at my barren ceiling. I try to make out the shapes within the shadows. I hear the faint sound of a voice coming from my phone. I make no move to pick it up. Keys.. Doors opening and slamming.. shaking..
    "Stay...Chloe..Don't clo-..!" His voice is loud, my eyes are heavy. I feel myself being lifted, my head rested against a warm chest. I close my eyes and feel the steady thumping of a heartbeat. "Why did you do this!?" His voice echos in my head as rain hits my face, I shiver as it suddenly gets colder. I'm placed down in a seat and an engine roars to life, my head shifts to stare out the window. The rain pounded against the speed of the car, thunder roars, and a scream escapes my mouth.
    A hand grabs my head and pulls me to them, I hear shushing and whispering as he tries desperately to calm me down. The car comes to a stop and I'm lifted out of the seat, bright lights greet me as the rain stops suddenly. I'm placed on something soft, my arms bound to the bed as strangers rush to stop the blood from flowing. I stare numbly at the ceiling, I do not move as they bandage my arms. I hear thunder and my body jerks to life, I scream.. kicking and desperately trying to get away.. to hide.. Arms circle around me and I'm placed in a warm embrace.
    "Chloe shhh.. Calm down it's just me.. you're okay.. you're okay.." I sob into his chest and go limp. The white-dressed strangers rush to bind my legs down and tighten my arms. The warm embrace pushes me back slightly, I stare numbly up at a warm familiar face. He gives me a sad look, and sweeps my wet messy hair away from my eyes.
    "Why did you do this Chloe?"
"They found me.. I had to.. I had to do it.."
    "Had to do what sweetheart.. why did you have to try and kill yourself?"
"So they couldn't kill me first..."
    "Who Chloe? Who are you talking about?"
"The demons..."


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