All Good Things End

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Do you know the feeling, of looking into the eyes of someone you love with every part of your body. It's like looking into an endless galaxy of stars and lights.. When just a simple touch, sends fireworks dancing on your skin. The touch of their lips on yours.. making you feel like your floating. And when they smile.. you can't help but smile back. Their laugh is contagious and you laugh along until you're both blue in the face.

When your feeling sad.. or alone.. one hug from them cheers you up immediately. Like the only safe place in the world is in their arms.. and once you leave the warm embrace you become cold and feel alone again. Do you ever wake up in the morning and the first thing on your mind is them.. wanting to see their face or hear their voice. The nagging feeling in the back of your mind that makes you want to call them just to know they are alive. Imagine being so attached to someone, that not talking to them feels wrong. How could lovers..go from talking every second of every day.. to not talking at all, like perfect strangers. Those feelings.. those overwhelming feelings.. cause your whole world to shift.

The once love of your life, and closest friend.. could disappear. Like nothing ever happened between you.. but those feelings will still be there, tugging at your heart. No matter how hard you try to forget, or tell yourself they will never again be there for you.. you can't keep your mind from wondering what they are doing. And although your heart aches for them, your heart knows that the pain will eventually fade.. sometime in the future.. you'll think of them and your heart won't hurt anymore. You'll never know for sure when that will be, but you can hope that it will be sooner then you think.

You will always care about them, because once they were everything to you; but every good thing comes to an end.. eventually. Maybe it lasts a couple weeks, months.. or even your entire life. But all good things end. It's just the way of the world.

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