C9- Who You Are Anymore

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Who You Are Anymore

Third Person POV

Hermione rubbed her temples. She and Luna left Harry since he was just as stubborn as Draco and went down to the extremely surprised common room.

Oh lovely, the rest of Hogwarts will know by tomorrow morning as well. That's just great, Hermione thought sarcastically.

Ginny licked her lips with glossy eyes. She stepped forward and reached out to Luna. "Luna-" She pleaded.

Luna glared at her. "Don't 'Luna' me. This is your fault," She said and motioned to Ron and Neville also.

"Uh, sorry?" Ron tried. "Yeah of course you are, right after Harry decided that he's going to sit outside Draco's dorm door until Draco talks to him," Hermione said.

"We were just trying to save him from harm!"

"He doesn't need saving! You're the one that put him in the position of needing saving, not Draco!"

Ron's eyes widened in slight surprise and he opened his mouth to say something else when two people ran down the stairs.

"I don't want to talk to you Potter. Leave me alone," Draco muttered, not turning around to meet Harry's shimmering with tears eyes. Apparently neither of the boys noticed the dead silent common room. (Just so you know, Draco has jeans on along with the jumper. He's not running around in his boxers lmao)

"Love please, I didn't mean what I said!" Harry pleaded with tears blurring his vision. He tried to take Draco's hand gently but the blond immediately ripped it away from him and spun around to meet his eyes.

"You didn't mean them?! Then why the hell did you say them?!"

"Because I didn't know any better!" Harry yelled, tears now flowing freely. "I was angry, love," he said, his voice calming down a bit, "I know it's not a good excuse but I was stupid and wasn't thinking when I spoke."

Draco really wanted to forgive him. The words were on the tip of his tounge. Forgive him, he told himself, but a larger part of his mind just couldn't.

Draco shook his head. "I don't know if I really know who you are anymore." He glanced at his and Harry's friends before leaving the common room through the portrait hole.

Harry stared at the hole Draco just left from, lips quivering. He threaded both his hands through his hair and yanked roughly, squeezing his eyes shut as more tears leaked out.


Much to Harry and Draco's displeasure, a lot of attention was focused on them the next few days. Pansy forced Draco to attend every meal, even if he didn't eat anything.

Neither boys ate, paid attention in class, or slept (unless they cried themselves to sleep).

Ron only felt a little guilt rush through his veins everytime he heard Harry sniffle into his pillow, trying to hide his crying. He was only trying to do Harry good, why is that so hard for Harry, Hermione, and Luna to understand?

The situation was similar with Draco, Blaise only felt a little guilty from his crying while Neville felt absolutely horrible.

Six days after the incident, four sleepless nights, and many missed meals, concluded with most of the school 1) shipping Drarry and 2) hoping their new ship doesn't sink so soon.

But of course, you've still got those bastards who can't tell the difference between a fucking toad and a tea cup and don't have enough brain cells to leave people the fuck alone.

(Written by an angry Hermione at 1 in the morning. ↑ Sorry, carry on.)

Either way, they look like they just crawled out of dumpsters.

Draco's lips didn't hold that smile Harry loved to see, they didn't shimmer a soft and warm grey, instead they were cold and slowly building walls back up.

Without Harry by his side, that same group of Gryffindors (the same ones an angry Hermione wrote about) took to beating him up a lot more brutally and mercilessly.

But he didn't tell anyone. Nor did he go to Madam Pomfrey.


Harry miserably sat down next to Hermione for breakfast that morning. He held bags under his eyes, lost an unhealthy amount of weight (not that he wasn't skinny enough as it is), and had bloodshot eyes.

Luna, who's sat at Gryffindor table since the beginning of the year, reached over and a placed a hand on top of Harry's. "How are you?" She asked quietly.

"I'm fucking joyful," Harry muttered sarcastically and stabbed his bacon brutally with his fork.

Luna frowned and so did Hermione.

Draco walked into the great hall with a slight limp from his left leg, which went unnoticed by most but not by Hermione.

"He's limping," She whispered to Luna. Hermione decided against telling Harry, not wanting him to blame himself for something that happens to Draco.

Luna glanced behind her at Draco who sat down next to Pansy, a wince obvious on his face that he tried to conceal. The boy looked up and met Luna's eyes. He tried to smile at her to assure her everything's fine but it came out more as a constipated scrunch of his face.

Harry, suddenly interested in why the two girls had frowns plastered to their faces, followed their line of sight to Draco sitting at Slytherin table.

He also looks like shit, Harry thought, but I'd be lying if he still wasn't gorgeous.

The brunet sighed and forced himself to eat a few bites of food.


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