Mei Pieh Chi (Venus De Milo)

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Home: Earth, China, and New York City Chinatown.

Aliases: Mei Pieh Chi (Venus De Milo).

Nickname: Mei, Vee, she turtle, and Kame.

Date of Birth: 1989 Mutation year

Abilities: Master of Shinobi/Ninjutsu/Kung Fu/Karate, Strong Leadership, Master Tessen fighter, Meditation, Strategist, Driving, Strong Sensing, Wiser, Master all the elements, and Strong Spiritual mind.

Weapons of choice: Tessen, Kai Mi balls, Ninja stars, and Cape fighting.

Occupation: Shinobi magic apprentice, and Ninja.

Affiliation: Ninja Turtles, Chinese shinobi clan, TMNT, Foot clan (New Turtles in America).

Species: Mutant Turtle

Gender: Female

Height: 5' 5''

Hair: None

Weight: 140 lbs

Eye Color: Brown, Red (Footclan).

Bandana Color: Cyan, Black (Footclan), and White.

Era(s): New Turtles in America

First Appearance: The Begging and Destiny

Voiced by: Liu Yifei

Teacher(s): Master Chung I, The elders, and Master Splinter.

Student(s): April O'Neil 

Sibling(s): Larota, Talena, and Amoly.

Stealth Suit

Stealth Suit

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Cyber Armor

Cyber Armor

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: New Turtles in AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now