ii. not again, melody anne!

Start from the beginning

Apollo wasn't one for events unless it was for business or to boast about his work ethic and success at the Ministry. Especially since he worked as one of the heads in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. He can play the innocent, loving, and busy husband and father very well. While he did care for his wife and Melody, work always came first with him. This was why he always missed many events that involved them. So seeing him at the Quidditch World Cup was a bit of a shock, despite Melody's mother telling her that he might meet them there.

Apollo's haunting blue eyes met his daughters light honeycomb brown ones and he acknowledged her with a stern nod. "Melody Anne"

Melody perked up at her father's acknowledgment with a small polite smile. Melody never liked how her father would say her first and middle name, it always made her feel like she was in trouble. "Father, you're here. I thought you weren't going to make it because of work. You usually don't" Melody said softly as she stepped forward towards her father.

To anyone it was almost as if she was afraid to say the wrong thing towards her father. In this case, she was. No matter how much of a kind and charming man her father may present himself to other people, Melody always knew that he was also a very controlling and high-standard one. Not to mention manipulative. But Apollo did value his daughter which also came with getting into trouble for the littlest things. He wanted the Phoenix family to be looked at as an elegant, sophisticated pureblooded family and Melody was picked to represent that image when Orpheus was disowned.

Apollo squinted his eyes slightly at his daughter's words as he put his hands behind his back and stood up straighter. "Well, I had the opportunity to leave work for a few hours because of the tournament. Fudge wanted me to be here. Such small hopes for me, huh, Melody? I hoped you thought better of your own father" Apollo teased his daughter.

Melody began to shake her head in protest as her face paled. "T-that's not what I meant — " she stuttered out.

"No, of course not. I know that darling" Apollo laughed it off causing a wave of relief to wash over Melody for a second. But the girl was still on the edge of her toes as her nerves got the best of her. Draco eyed her noticeable actions from the corner of his eyes, watching the poor girl as an uncomfortable silence washed through the four.

"I'm glad you're here, father" Melody said with a genuine smile towards her father.

Now, Melody loved her father dearly despite her knowing who and how he really was. She was always trying to reach up and grab for his acceptance, to make him proud of her and show him how great she can be. To put it simply: she wanted a father. She didn't want to be a trophy that he would often shine on the top shelf and go onto other daily activities. So each day Melody strived to get his attention and make him proud of her.

She shined in those sliver of moments where he would brag about her at dinner parties at the manor or when he would teach her the ins and outs so she could one day uphold the Phoenix family name. Her mother knew the feeling and she once — and still is — apart of Apollo Phoenix's trophy case. So Mrs. Phoenix always tried filling in those gaps for Melody.

Just as she was about to say more, her father cut her off and turned towards Draco standing beside her. "Ah, Draco! Don't you look strapping? You're growing into such a fine young man" Apollo complimented. Just like that, Apollo moved passed Melody and focused on Draco causing Lucius to smirk proudly.

"Thank you, Mr. Phoenix" Draco spoke as he shook Mr. Phoenix's hand while also glancing and keeping an eye on a distraught Melody beside him. But she quickly covered it up and put on her usual kind smile. It was almost as if nothing happened and she was the same old sweet Melody Anne.

"The game should be starting soon. I think it be best we go now" Apollo said, walking with Draco by his side as Apollo started a conversation with his soon to be son-in-law. Melody let out a sad sigh but none the less she wrapped her team scarf around her neck and grabbed Draco's. She took a deep breath before trailing behind with Lucius.

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