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while I sat flustered on his lap, he turned my chin towards his face, I shivered at the feel of his warm breath on my face, he wasn't gonna do it? was he? he leaned in closer and gently crossed over my lips with his soft lips, just so I could get a feel of it, he stared at me for around 3 seconds before pulling me in and completely indulging himself in my lips and tongue, his mouth was warm...his hands were warm too...it was so cold but yet he was so warm, I shuddered as I pulled away quickly from what he was doing, he looked at me with a questioning look as if asking permission to continue with what he was doing I gulped followed by a shakey nod of approval, he started slowly until he picked up the speed at rammed me down on the floor, it was cold which made me make a weird noise, he whispered in my ear while caressing my cheek asking if he's allowed to go further, I don't know what to say....

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