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Slenderman's POV

I have never felt so much hate in my life. Never before have I ever wanted to hurt someone this much. It probably would've scared me if I wasn't so furious. Each step I took turned faster and faster until they turned into strides. I felt my chest tighten, I forced a growl down that randomly ruptured from my throat. I could see where the idiot had run off. He made easy tracks to follow and I could hear him breathing. All my energy was focused on this...this...stupid, horrible, insolent boy! Treating such a wonderful, amazingly beautiful girl like trash! I was so angry, all I could see was red. He would pay. I'll show him...

I barely noticed the tiny figure of Angela trying to keep my pace. I had grown to full size, so she was tiny and I could barely hear her. Though that may have been because my ears roared with my own thoughts that I was too distracted. I knew she was shouting. She looked up at me with pleading eyes, shocked and afraid eyes. For a second I faltered, realizing that I must've been scaring her, but I thought of her wrist again and my blood set aflame once more.

A slithery feeling crawled all over my back and I stopped to see what was happening. I shivered at the sight of those black tenticles sliding out. It was rare that I ever used them. Only when I was on the hunt. I looked over to Angela briefly and saw her eyes grow huge. This isn't the first time she has ever seen them, but actually getting an up close picture must've shocked her a bit. I wanted to tell her that everything would be okay in the end, but I would ever lie to Angela.

I could hear James screaming for help and his heavy breathing. Before he could scream again, my tentacles grabbed him by the shoulders and pinned his body against the tree. He struggled and tried to break free, but all his actions were futile. Nothing could escape my grasp. I brought my face down, slowly. Instilling my fear in his pitiful human brain. He tried to scream once more, but another tentacle slid over his mouth and the sound ceased. When his nose was just barely grazing my face, I looked straight into his eyes. I could see everything that he was, what he is, what he will be. James's eyes darted all over until he rested them on an out of breath Angela. The thought of him even glancing at her made me burn with fury all over again. I hit him against the tree, bringing his attention back on me. I then said in a low, dangerous tone, "Don't even look at her. You are not worthy of staring at such a magnificent creature like Angela." All I got back were wide terrified eyes. I went on, "Who are you? Who are you to treat anyone like you have been treating Angela? Humans like you make me sick. They disgust me. But I don't think I've met anyone that is quite like you. You worthless, tiny, slimy, piece of trash. You disgusting filth. Just looking at you makes my hate grow and I'm sure you don't want me to hate you...especially me. So here's what's going to happen, mortal. I'm going to kill you...slowly. I'm going to make you feel every moment, but even then you won't know what pain is. Oh no, true pain cannot be inflicted and I now think death is far too merciful. I'm going to give you the worst fate of them all, immortality and bury you in the ground. Never dying, never aging, but always thinking. And you definetley need to think."

I summond a black box, just the right size for the human. A hole appeared in the ground a I opened to box and shoved him inside. He screamed as I injected him with my poison, making him immortal. Just as I was about to close the box and seal his fate I heard a small voice shout, "Wait!" I looked down and saw that it was Angela, her face streaked with tears and pain in her eyes. It snapped me back into reality. I looked at what I was doing. What I had become. I am a monster, I thought. I slowly put James down and hung my head, shrinking to her size. I had become what I always knew would be for me in the end, a ruthless, cold blooded, killing machine. I couldn't even look up at her. Shame and guilt weighed down on my body. When my last tentacle slithered into my body, I turned slowly and started to walk away. After what I just did, I wouldn't even want to look at myself. How could I possibly think this was going to work? That Angela loved me? Why did I become so weak?

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Just as I was about to disappear, maybe for good, I felt someone's hand rest on my shoulder. I snapped up and saw the hand belonged to Angela. Her eyes were dark and her expression was grim. I wondered what she was going to say. Maybe she would punch me in the face, I wouldn't mind. But then she did something totally unexpected. Angela pulled me in have me a real kiss.

Angela's POV

I watched him turn into someone else. A stranger to me. It was as if he couldn't hear my pleas and begs for him to stop. Maybe he was ignoring me. When he picked up James I felt my face start to drain. I had the most horrible feeling of what was coming next. Slenderman mumbled something to James, I couldn't quite make it out. But I knew it must've been horrible by the way James' eyes grew with fear. Then many things happened at once. A black box, screaming, tears suddenly appearing on my face. No one deserved a fate like that, not even James. And I knew it wasn't Slenderman. That was not my Slenderman. Whoever he was at that moment wasn't there and I knew he would never forgive himself of he killed James.

So out of impulse, I shouted for him to stop. He listened. I saw his head turn to me, a if snapping out of a trance. He looked at James, as if realizing what he was doing. Slowly, he put him down and shrunk to a little bit taller than my size, head hung in shame. He probably thought I looked at him as if he were a monster. That I was afraid of him. But the funny thing was, I wasn't afraid. I could never ever be afraid of Slenderman because....because I love him. And no matter how terrifying he may be, or how angry he can get, I will always love him. He's no monster, he's just lonely.

I realized then he was starting to walk away. Oh no you don't, I thought as I ran over to him. I wasn't sure what kid of state he was in, so I gently placed my hand on his should. His head snapped up and spun around to look at me. My heart raced and my stomach churrned he made me dizzy, he made me crazy, he made me love him.

And I didn't mind.

Pulling him to me I quickly filled the gap between our lips and I had to suppress a moan. Slenderman's lips were so soft. Incredibly soft. Indescribeable. I swear my body must've been struck by lightning. Nothing felt better than this. We both started to melt and forget about the scene that just happened. It didn't matter anymore. The world was only just consistent of two things. Him and I. The demon and the human. Together at last. I wanted the moment to be forever going. Never ending.

But then I heard a click.

I pulled away immediately and spun around to see James pointing a gun at us. No, not us...Slenderman. James was going to shoot him! Over my dead body! I thought.

Slenderman tried to push me away, but I was too stronge. I had to protect him. So as James fired, I stumbled up from the ground and jumped in front of Slenderman. The next thing I knew, all I could feel was pain. The bullet nearly grazed my heart and my chest burned. Hot searing pain ran through my body and dots flashed over my eyes. I could hear yelling and panicking, but it seemed far away. Like I was fading from it all. I felt my body being held, strong, shakey arms hugged me tight. I looked up one more time to see my love, shaking uncontrollably. I tried to smile, to tell him everything was okay, but something else came out of my mouth instead. I heard myself whisper, "I love you..."

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