❄Ch. 11: Oh Brother❄

Start from the beginning

What the hell was that?! Don't tell me it's...

Getting out of bed to investigate, she went out to the living room area ready to confront the source of the sound only to find her older brother Touya sitting at the kitchen table like last time, acting as if he hadn't just broken her window right now. The moonlight that glimmered from outside illuminated the room enough for the two of them to see each other.

He almost gave me a heart attack!

"Where were you tonight?" he asked, referring to her outfit that she hadn't changed out of due to her laziness.

"Are you seriously going to ask me that when you just broke my goddamn window?" she told him in an irritated tone, being careful not to step on any stray glass with her bare feet as she turned on the kitchen light.

"How else was I supposed to get in? You locked it," he said with a smirk as he placed his black boots on the table again. "I can't just come in through-"

You've got to be kidding me. Mrs. Fujiwara probably thinks I'm getting robbed right now.

"Shhhh quiet, we need to keep our voices down," she warned him, remembering Saito's words back at the sushi restaurant with Chie. "One of my neighbors may have overheard us talking the last time you were here."

"You didn't squeal on me, did you?" he questioned her in a quieter voice, raising an eyebrow.

"Of course not, did you really think I would after you left with that threat last time?" she pointed out before walking towards the living room. "Also, you owe me a new window."

Sweeping up the broken glass, (Y/N) watched as Touya ate the ramen she had given him after he had complained to her that he was starving. She would have liked to have cooked him a proper meal but she didn't have the ingredients and it was too late to be out shopping. He didn't seem to mind too much though as he slurped up the noodles in the bowl. Picking up the dustpan that held the glass shards, she dumped them into the trash, putting the broom back in its spot against the wall. Although she was happy to see her sibling again, she still couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy around them, most likely due to the fact that they were now affiliated with the League of Villains.

Time to get some answers.

"So are you gonna explain whatever this "recruitment" is or not?" she asked as she watched the male continue to down his food in front of her.

"I would have last time but someone here got a bit too emotional," he told her, reminding her of her breakdown as he set his bowl of finished ramen onto the table.

"You really expected me not to be?" she responded angrily as she made her way back over to the kitchen table where he sat. "I've lived over ten years of my life thinking you were dead. You don't know how much pain it's caused us."

"You act like I haven't gone through anything myself all this time," he retaliated, locking his turquoise orbs with her own. "Do you know what it's like to.. oh that's right, you never had to endure his harsh training."

"You don't know anything," she glared at him as she stood in front of the table, refusing to sit down.

"Well, one thing I do know is how you got kicked out of his agency," he grinned, wanting to see how far he could push her. "I'm surprised you even lasted two years there."

"Shut up."

"Someone as weak as you just can't make it as a hero but I'll admit you've improved," he continued, provoking her even further.

"Shut up."

"The truth hurts doesn't it little sister?" he laughed in response, seeing how enraged she was getting.

"I said shut up!" she shouted, slamming her hands down onto the table.

Dammit, I need to calm down. I'm being way too loud.

"What happened to needing to keep quiet?" he questioned her as she realized her mistake.

Ugh, what is he even doing?

"Did you come back here just to put me down?" she asked the dark blue-clad male as she removed her hands from atop the table.

"Not exactly, I wanted to spend some quality time with my little sister, our last meeting was cut so short after all," he said, putting his hands behind his head, not concerned with how he had upset her right now.

First, you comfort me and then you do this.

"Well, you're doing a terrific job so far Touya," she responded sarcastically as she tried to compose herself.

"I thought I told you not to call me that," he corrected her as he gave her an irritated look.

"Well, it's still your name whether you like it or not," she told him, still a bit mad from the comments he had just made a few minutes ago. "You're a Todoroki after all."

"Whatever," was all he said until he spoke up again. "As for the recruitment, well I think I'm actually gonna keep the rest of the details a secret for now."

"Doesn't matter what you say anyway," she replied, crossing her arms in frustration. "My answer is still gonna be no."

"You'll come around eventually, you'll see," he said, leaning back in his chair more. "Besides, you still have so much potential that you haven't yet unlocked. It'd be a shame for you to join when you're not at your peak."

"Like the hell I will," she answered back with disapproval in her voice. "And if I'm so "weak" as you claim I am then why even bother having me join you in the first place?"

"Let's just put this all behind us for now, yeah?" he told her, ignoring her questions. "So what are you gonna do about that neighbor of yours? They don't know, do they?"

Seriously? Just answer the damn question will ya?

"Nothing at the moment, if I say anything it'll just make me look more suspicious," she explained to him, not wanting to get on her older brother's bad side. "And I doubt they know exactly what's going on anyway but when the time comes I'll handle it."

I can't afford to make any careless decisions now, not when I've got so much to lose.


A/N: I fell asleep before I could post this chapter last night lol my bad. The next one should be up either Tuesday or Wednesday. Well anyway, see y'all later! ^~^


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