"I don't really like the whole Obi-Wan-thing he's got going on, you know? It freaks me out." Stiles admitted, growing annoyed when he saw Scott's confusion. "Oh, my God! Have you still not seen Star Wars?" The human stood up, crossing his arms.

"I swear, if we make it back alive, I will watch the movie." Scott defended, promising that he'd watch it.

"It just makes me crazy." Stiles huffed, scratching the back of his neck. "Anyways, Harris, just because he's missing, doesn't mean he's dead."

"Weren't you the one assuming all the missing people were dead?" Adelyn pointed up at him, making him scoff.

"And I was right." He declared with a smirk, making her roll his eyes.

"So, if he's not dead, our chemistry teacher is out secretly committing human sacrifices?" The McCall said, making the other two teens think about it.

"Yeah, I guess that just sounded way better in my head." Stiles brushed it off.

"Well, what if it's someone else from school? Like, you remember Matt? We didn't know that he was killing people." Scott suggested, almost immediately offending the Stilinski.

"Excuse me? I'm sorry, what? I-Yes, we did! I called that from day one, actually." He held up his finger to emphasize how he thought it was Matt from the beginning.

"Yeah, he always creeped me out." Adelyn agreed, but she wouldn't go as far to say she thought it was him killing everyone.

"Yeah, but we never really thought that it was Matt." The McCall shrugged it off as if he thought Stiles was joking.

The boy scoffed, "I was serious! I was quite serious, actually! Deadly serious! No one listened to me!"

"Anyways." Scott put his hands up, trying to direct him back on topic.

"Right, Derek's sister. Cora. Nobody knows anything about her-" He paused, blinking a couple times, "-and she's Derek's sister."

"I'm not going to say you're right, but you might be right." Addy admitted, Stiles squinting at her as he tried to figure out if that was supposed to be agreement. "Who's the last one?"

Stiles stayed silent for a moment before he sighed, "Lydia." He sat back down on the bed, feeling kind of bad for saying it. "She was totally controlled by Peter and she had no idea, so."

They all silently agreed, the two boys falling back onto the bed. "Well, on that note, I'm going to go take a shower." Adelyn stood up, walking to the bathroom and shutting the door. She breathed out lowly, pulling off her shirt to see the stitching had fully healed. The girl ran her hand over where the wound had been, looking in the mirror at the spot, only to notice her claws out. The Tate jumped slightly, pulling her hand up to see nothing there.

Addy leaned forward, putting her hand on either side of the sink as she stared at herself. She believed she was just seeing things, but at the same time, it seemed to real. The werewolf shook her head, deciding to ignore it as she got into the shower.

She was only in there for a few minutes before she heard the door creak open. She looked around the curtain, noticing Scott in some sort of daze. "Scott? What are you doing?"

"Looking for you." He replied in a monotone voice, making her eyebrows knit in confusion.

"But you knew I was in here?" She reminded him, but her just shrugged as he walked closer. Adelyn stared at him, unsure of what was wrong. When he was close enough, she reached out and grabbed his face gently. "Scott? Are you okay?"

He stared at her blankly for a moment, before he started blinking repeatedly. "Yeah, I'm sorry." The boy apologized as he backed away, "I don't know what I was doing." He informed, before leaving the bathroom.

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