Ch 8 Friction Amongst the Team

Start from the beginning

Ruby: Sorry.

Y/N: know you can do it. Sure there may be bumps along the way. Probably a lot.

Ruby: Hey!

Y/N: But I can tell that your team is one of the brightest.

Ruby: Really? The year just started.

Y/N: You learn these things with age. Now I will say not everything is handed to you on a silver platter but you have to work for it. And I can tell you are just getting started.

Ruby: (hugs you) Thanks dad.

Y/N: No problem. Now in case you are still a little sad would you want to help make some cookies?

Ruby: Chocolate chip?

Y/N: What else would it be? Though I enjoy me oatmeal raisin cookies. Now before we do start want to hear a joke?

Ruby was unsure. On the one hand it is her dad but the other he tells bad jokes.

Ruby: I don't know.

Y/N: It's fitting for this.

Ruby: You know what fine. Let's hear it.

Y/N: Why don't eggs tell jokes? They'd crack each other up.

Ruby: Another dad joke.

Y/N: You just wouldn't understand. Anyways Weiss will come around trust me.

Ruby: I hope so.

As the two were making cookies Y/N decided to steer the conversation another direction.

Y/N: You know if you were a boy your name would of been Silver?

Ruby: Really? Why Silver? Was it the eyes?

Y/N: Your mom and I were in bed.

Ruby: Ewww. Gross, gross, gross.

Y/N: You say Not like that. Though she was taking about it. I need to tell Yang to tone it down.

Ruby: So what happened between you and mom?

Y/N: We were in bed with Ilena and she said that Ilena will need herself playmate. Well we started to come up with the names and Silver popped up for if it was a boy. My idea, but my Rose said to be basically shut up as it was now sleeping time. Though Rose then went on her word. She said Tealle.

Ruby: That sounds like mom. Is she still on the mission?

Y/N: Yeah.

Ruby: I miss her. Sure we call but I want to see her.

Y/N: I miss seeing her too. Hearing from her doesn't compare to the real thing.

Ruby: And does she like your jokes?

Y/N: I don't want to talk about it.

Thinking back you were thankful that so far the relationship didn't turn sour as less time was spent seeing each other. Sure there was those arguments but you two apologized as it was painful to not talk to one another for an extended amount of time.

Ruby: Dad? Dad? Are you there? Yoo-hoo.

Y/N: Sorry. Anyhow I made a deal with her.

Ruby: And that was exactly?

Y/N: I can tell those jokes as long as I make her cookies.

Ruby: Mom shouldn't have taken that deal.

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