Chapter 22: Parties and Plans

Start from the beginning

"I propose a toast," he said, raising his glass. Everyone picked up their own glass as well. "To Amy. Even though I was too selfish and preoccupied to remember your birthday, I want you to know that I love you, sweetheart. Not a day goes by that I'm not thankful you're a part of my family and that you put up with me," he finished with a smile.

"Hear, Hear," Anne added with a smile. Ashley simply nodded in agreement and they all took a sip of their juice. Anne stood up to make a toast next.

"I want to say that I'm also sorry for being too wrapped up in my own life to remember to tell my baby girl Happy Birthday. Even though as your mother I wish motherhood was still a few years away for you, Amy, I want you to know that I'm proud of the mother you have become and thank you for blessing me with a grandchild." Everyone raised their glassed again and took another sip, although this time Amy was a little teary-eyed at her mother's words.

"My turn," Ashley said with a grin as she stood up to give her own toast. "I know I'm not the most emotional or mushy person so I can come across as aloof and uninterested. But I'm glad you're my sister and I'm proud of everything you've gone through and accomplished in the past two years. Happy belated birthday, Amy."

"Hear, Hear," her parents added in unison before taking another sip from their glasses. Amy decided to make a little toast of her own and stood up.

Raising her glass she said, "I wanna propose a toast to all of you for not disowning me when I got pregnant and for being there to help and support me when I needed it, even if I said I didn't want it. I also wanna propose a toast to our family. We've been through some ups and downs and quite a few major life changes but we're still doing our best to work it out and be a stronger family. And I think that's something worth toasting," she finished with a smile.

"Hear, Hear," Ashley and her parents said and took one more drink from their glasses. As Amy sat down, Anne stood up.

"Now, it's not a birthday celebration without a cake." She went into the kitchen and took the cake she had prepared out of the fridge. She placed a number seventeen candle on it and lit it before carrying it back into the dining room. As she did so, George and Ashley joined her in singing Happy Birthday. Amy made a wish and blew out the candle. George cut the cake and they again chatted easily about their day and life in general as they enjoyed their cake.

"Almost time for presents," George announced. "Amy, you wait here while we clear the table." He, Anne and Ashley quickly cleared the dinner and dessert dishes and Anne proceeded to wipe the boy's faces and hands while George and Ashley carried in gifts. Amy just smiled. She hadn't expected any gifts because she was simply grateful that her parents had let her go to New York. Anne scooted the boys chairs closer to Amy, deciding it would be best not to let either toddler anywhere near wrapping paper. George picked up a camera that had been sitting on the china cabinet to take pictures of Amy opening her gifts. Her parents got her a kindle, iTunes gift cards, and a new digital camera. Ashley had gotten her two CDs: one of Amy's favorite jazz band and the other a compilation of smooth jazz musicians. Robbie, via her parents, had gotten her a photo frame that had the words 'I Love My Big Sister' etched around the outside and contained a photo of Amy hugging Robbie while both of them smiled at the camera. Amy gave each of her family members a hug and a kiss as she thanked them. Ashley carried her gifts upstairs while Amy carried John. Amy gave her sister a hug goodnight and thanked her again for her toast and presents. After John was put to bed Amy went downstairs and found her parents cleaning up the dinner dishes. She offered to help but her parents wouldn't let her. She hugged and kissed them goodnight and then got ready for bed herself. She'd just come back to her room after brushing her teeth when her phone buzzed. It was Ricky.


"Hey. So how was your first day back at the nursery?" Amy smiled remembering how wonderfully tiring it was.

"Good. It was nice to be back, although I swear those kids all seemed twice as big as when I left for New York," she said with a chuckle, causing Ricky to smile as well.

"I wanted to let you know I called my mom today and told her we talked last night."


"She mentioned that she and my dad want to start having you over for dinner once or twice a month and I told her we were gonna have dinner once a week." Amy chuckled. Great minds think alike? "Anyway," Ricky continued. "She said after you and I picked a day of the week to have dinner together to let her know and she and dad will figure out what other day of the week to have dinner with you. So....what day do you wanna come over for dinner?"

"I don't know. What day works best for you?" Ricky rolled his eyes.

"Amy, it's the summer. It's not like either of us have to worry about homework and our work days in the summer end at the same time as during the school year. Just pick one."

" about Wednesday. That way dinner will be something to break up the rest of the week."

"Okay, Wednesdays it is," he replied with a smile in his voice. He suddenly remembered the rest of his conversation with his mom. "Oh, and by the way, my mom also wants to spend some girl time with you so she might be asking you to hang out sometime during the weekends for lunch or something."

"Oh, well that sounds nice."

"I mentioned that we were thinking of doing family activities on the weekends too so we may need to coordinate our Saturday outings with her."

"That shouldn't be a problem but we'll play it by ear."

"Sounds good."


"One more thing, Amy. After our talk last night I realized I need to have some conversations of my own with people and make a few apologies.

"Good for you, Ricky."

"Thanks. I just wanted to let you know I plan to talk to Adrian tomorrow night so depending on how long we talk I might stop by."

"Okay. Just text me if you're gonna come over."

"Will do. Well, good night, Amy."

"Goodnight, Ricky." They ended the call and finished getting ready for bed. While Amy fell asleep peacefully, it took a little longer for Ricky to finally drift off to sleep because he couldn't stop wondering just how emotionally painful his conversation with Adrian tomorrow was gonna be.

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