I Still Believe In You...

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" Ayanami!" Both Javelin and Laffey shouted. Seeing their friend just go down under. However their concern was short lived because now they had a new concern. They had just got caught up onto a rip current that quickly and powerfully dragged them out further to sea. They tried their best to fight it and get out of it but it was too strong, super charged by the storms raging waters.

The waves pushed them so far out that they could no longer see the island.


" heyyy vhat's vith that nickyname? Nimi? Ayanami calls you das in secret doesn't she?" Z1 said, prying into Z23's personal life.

" vhat?! Nein! I don't kno vhat you heard but your wrong!" Z23 said, denying it. With a blush.

" ughhhh vhy are ve even gohing to meet zhe North Union? Day Russians... ve don't have a very good relation vith dem in zhe history remember?" Deutschland asked, questioning Admiral Hipper and the others. They could've sent another faction who has less conflict with them.

" it iz Enterprises idea." Tirpitz spoke, than said " shee said ve have to get along and zhe only vay for us to do das iz if ve all friends. So shee sent us. Ve more closer views to dem than any nation and ve von't be pushed around." Giving the reason why Enterpirse chose them to represent Azur Lane.

" I bet zhe Americans don't vhant to deal vith Russians since day have bad past too. Ja?" Friedrich commented, also making sense of why Enterprise sent them instead.

" once ve get dair. Don't fool around. Day are not like zhe other nations where you can be buddy buddy." Admiral Hipper said, looking back especially on Deutschland and Z1.

" understood?!" Hipper yelled back, looking directly at them.

" ja." Both of them said with a sigh.

" vhat happens if no friends?" Roon asked, curiously. Seeing Friedrich turn back than say " than enemy." With a smile.

" let's not hope das." Tirpitz said, as they continued to sail into colder waters.

" cold? You grow weak." Friedrich spoke, seeing Deutschland, Z1,Z23 start to shiver.

" leave dem alone. Day use to warmer waters now." Hipper said, hearing Friedrich say " oh? Grow soft too?" Seeing she upset Hipper getting a rise out of her.

" wanna hug?" Roon offered, seeing Deutschland give her a mean stare and shout " Nein!" Pushing Roon aside to sail further ahead.

" j-jaaaaa" Z1 said taking Roon's offer. " come on" Z1 said, seeing Z23 hesitate to take the offer.

" be no shy" Roon said happily extending her arm for Z23.

" stop babying dem. You make dem weak." Friedrich said, looking at Roon shelter the two smaller ships.

" they children." Roon said, feeling that she has a responsibility to take care of them.

" Nein!" Friedrich shouted, angrily. Now scaring Z1 and Z23 making them let go of Roon. Roon looked at them sadden, because she didn't want to let them go.

" let dem be." Hipper said, hearing Friedrich say " you grow weak away from Germany. No wonder you scraped. Before I feel pity now I feel justified." That's when Hipper slapped Friedrich out of pure anger. No longer could she hold herself back and take it. That however was a big mistake.

Friedrich returned the slap. However her slap was 10 times stronger than Hipper.

" you call das hurt?" Friedrich said taunting Hipper.

" ja! Same to you idiot! Das didn't even hurt!" Hipper said taunting Friedrich.

" enough!" Tirpitz said, loosing her patience with them once more. No wonder Bismarck assigned her to go with them, not for strategic planning but for a voice to break them from tearing each other apart.

" your more children than zhe children!" Tirpitz said, sailing inbetween the two to make sure they don't attack one another again.

Friedrich just chuckled and let this little thing go while Hipper crossed her arms still angry and mad at what had happened still holding onto her grudge.

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