The layer of blush along his cheeks had doubled. "I'd rather go with 'rivals' for the meantime."

"Is your uncle strict as well?" Sizhui asked.

Bewilderment plastered over Jin Ling's face as he turned towards Sizhui. "Are you kidding me? Do you not know who my uncle is?"

"Jiang sect leader, right?" Sizhui discerned.

"You have no idea how he is like. Always screams and has a bad temper. His power is on a different level than anyone else's in Yunmeng—other than Wei Wuxian—and nobody's got the courage to defy him. In fact, he's scary. There's no way I'll ever train in Yunmeng ever again." Jin Ling sighed.

Sizhui tilted his head gently. "You've trained in Yunmeng before? How was it?"

"We wake up later and sleep later than Gusu. We get to eat Lotus seeds for snack, but the training is heavier." Jin Ling pondered, then something hit him. "Oi! Why do I have to tell you this?"

"I'm just curious." Sizhui responded.

     Jin Ling didn't talk anymore, almost as if he was silenced. The two began to focus on their punishment, with their brushes moving and ink splattering over their pages. Eventually, night rolled by, and the copies were all finished written. Their arms were sore and tired, with pain clinging to their body's every corner. Jin Ling could barely even move his arms, as if weights had attached to the bottom and struggled to drag it down. His stomach grumbled atrociously, with a tantrum storming in his guts.

"I've sent our paperwork to Lan Qiren already. He should be marking them right now." Sizhui smiled.

The two cultivators were standing out of the Library Pavilion, with the night wind gently blowing along their backs. Jin Ling examined Sizhui, who was holding something behind his back. "Look, I got this for you." Sizhui held out a bento box from behind, adding an enlightening smile onto his face.

     "Food." Jin Ling appeared more cheerful than expected. Sizhui had fed Jin Ling those bento boxes the past week, and to his delight, the Young Mistress seemed to always enjoy them with a 'stop watching me eat' statement. With the fatigue grinding at his stomach, Jin Ling was more hungry than before. He was practically on the verge of drooling, with starvation pummelling himself.

"Here you go." Sizhui pressed the bento box onto Jinling's wide open hands, whose palms pressed onto the surface.

Jin Ling hurriedly unwrapped the bento box, his eyes lighting up at the sight of the delicious meal within the crate. "Don't mind if I do."

"Wait!" Sizhui exclaimed. "You forgot about the tools."

He took out something from his back again, which was a pair of chopsticks that Sizhui borrowed Jin Ling all the time. "Use this." Pressing it against his palms, Sizhui smiled. "Just because it's you who's giving it to me doesn't mean I'll thank you." Jin Ling snarled, taking a seat at a nearby bench.

     While he sat, his ponytail seated along with him, curling into a furry little circle. Sizhui didn't bother sitting. In fact, he stood while watching Jin Ling open the box eagerly.

     It was fried egg rice. Within the blink of an eye, Jin Ling began shoving mouthfuls of the meal into his mouth. He almost didn't have enough time to swallow or chew, but Sizhui helped him with... a smile. After swallowing, Jin Ling blinked at Sizhui. "What are you doing? Sit down." Embarrassingly, he patted at the spare space next to himself on the wooden bench. Sizhui just stood there awkwardly with his mouth hanging open. "Don't make me repeat myself!" Jin Ling blushed.

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