Meeting Harry

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(Dana's pov)

As the night drew in, I decided to fill my loneliness and watch some TV. There wasn't much on except from a documentry of some boyband that all the girls go crazy for.

As there was nothing on I fed the dog and went for a walk so he could do his business. As I walked down the path, listening to the traffic, I wandered in to my thoughts. 'I'm going to be a sad, sad loner for my birthday. Another year with no one special to share it with. Life sucks.'

However, my thoughts were interupted when a dog walked across the opposite side of the road and my petite little dog couldn't resist. He leaped across the busy road, heading straight towards the other dog. I didn't realise how strong a little dog could be. As he dragged me along the road in to the various cars, buses and taxi's, my foot got caught on a drain and I ended up strewn across the road. The approaching car wasn't stopping. Each second lasted an hour, I was going to die and it was taking forever...


(Harry's pov)

Lying on my bed I managed to avoid being asked why I was sulking. But Liam was still going on about his party.

"Liam, when you say date date. I mean I've already got one." Louis randomly said.

"Yeah, I know but I mean, not a celeb. Like just a normal girl. Like you can bring Eleanor and any other person you want to. But bring a girl who isn't famous, just a mate figure, y'know?"

"Well, that is going to be quite difficult, I mean if I just wave at a girl, they either scream like," Then he frightened the hell out of me when he did a girl scream, impersonating some fans."Or they'll ask me for a picture or a autograph."

"Or if your Zayn, someone will faint while holding your hand." Niall said, grinning looking at Zayn.

"That wasn't my fault! She just fainted."

"Yeah, while you just sat there shellshocked." Louis joked.

"Well, it could be worse, Like Harry, you could have a bra chucked at you on stage!!!" Liam laughed.

I just stared and put on a fake smile. Of course, I should have seen it coming.

"Harry, I know when your not happy. I can tell by just looking at your face." Zayn said looking at me intently and coming over to sit on my bed.

"It's nothing." I mumbled

"It's got to be something. C'mon mate." He said.

"C"mon, c"mon, c'mon." Louis sang.

We all stared at him as though he was crazy. He shrunk back as put on a sad face and said "I thought I'd brighten the mood."

"Yeah, thanks anyway guys but I really need to be alone. See you soon." And I picked up my car keys and strolled out of our hangout door.

As I drove through the busy streets, I thought about Liam's party and if the guys would ever understand how I feel. As my thoughts wondered away from the road, I didn't see the blonde haired girl fall in to the road after being dragged by her tiny dog. As I was just 5 meters away I was brought back to reality and slammed the brakes on. Was I going to make it? Was I going to run over this innocent girl strewn across the road?....


(Dana's Pov)

As I layed there, unable to move my foot. I stared in to the headlights like I was staring it out. I prayed that the car would stop in time. Just as it was a few meters away, I heard the brakes squeal on the road and saw the smoke come off the wheels. I shut my eyes, and leaned back, trying to escape.

I sat there for a few seconds, waiting for the impact. But it didn't come. As I opened my eyes I saw two headlights just a few centimeters away and a dark figure open the car door and rush towards me.

He was the most hottest guy I'd ever seen, his green eyes staring at me, melting into me. His brown, floppy, curly hair hanging over his face.

"I'm so sorry! Are you ok? Are you hurt?" He says in a sexy, husky typical british accent.

"Er, it's ok. My dog, I just got him. I need to train him, sorry." I said lamely. I knew he looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Does your ankle hurt?"

"Um, yeah, Kinda."

"Oh my gosh. Like really hurt."

"Well, I can't feel it"

"Er, I'm not a wierdo, but as I almost run you over, I need to make it up to you. So, could I take you to the hospital?"

My heart skipped a beat. I was speechless.

"Yeah, um ok. Your not a serial killer are you?"

He chuckled a little and said "No, I'm not. You can even hang on to my phone while I help you to the car."

As he picked me up bridal style, he said " Oh sorry, you've just met a stranger whose picking you up, and you don't even know his name. I'm Harry."

"I'm Dana"

"Dana? Great name. If you hang on one sec, I'll just get your dog" And before I knew it we were driving along, chatting and getting to eachother.


(Harry's pov)

"Is it broken?" I asked, Maybe bit to quickly.

"No, it's fine, he said it should be better in a few days.

I sighed in relief. Thank goodness. She was so sexy, if it was broken I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself.

"Hey, do you want me to take you home?"

"Um..." Crap.

"Not in that way., I-I-I mean, drop you off at home"

Great jumping jehovah. Dropping a fit girl home? Looking at her face I could see she was going to say no.

"Yeah, sure. But could we stop at blockbusters or something, you see I was on my way there when..." She trailed off.

"It's fine. We can do that. I'm in no rush." I smiled. That's it play it cool, I told myself.

As we drove down the streets, my hands got sweatier by the second. I'm going to blow this, I thought, she's totally out of my league...


Please comment on what you think It's my first book. Tell me what you think whether it's positive or negative. I need some feedback.

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