The boy next door//ondreaz lopez

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There is one month left out of the summer holiday, it's a Tuesday morning and you get woke up by the sound of a truck? You look out your window and check It is a moving truck maybe we have new neighbours? You tried to be quiet because if you were loud your dad would kill you. Kouvr is the only one who knows Your dad scares you a lot he hits and kicks you it's terrible it all started when your mom died when you where 7 after about a few months he started shouting and smashing stuff all off the walls and then started hitting you, your now 19 and it still hurts really bad...
You went to get changed and you wanted to see who the new neighbours where cause your a nosey bitch.
You went down stairs sneakingly to check if your dad was home luckily he was not. You made a bowl of lucky 🍀 charms and some coffee, after you ate that you got changed into this ⬇️

 You made a bowl of lucky 🍀 charms and some coffee, after you ate that you got changed into this ⬇️

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You were on your way to meet Kouvr and she txts you this⬇️

K 💕😘🖕🏼

Kouvr-sup bitch I'll meet you out side your house?
Mady-eh sure come in 5?
Kouvr-sure byeeee
It's been 5 mind and your walking out and you see 3 boys and 1 catches your eye! He had longish flowy fluffy hair and pretty sparkling ✨ eyes, also a really cute smile you get distracted watching him taking the boxes into the house next to yours and Kouvr shouts your name, you jump😂

M:jeez I'm coming.
K:OoOOo who were you staring at? She nudges you playfully.
M:no one get in the fricken car now!
You guys just jam out to music in her car until you get to Starbucks. Once your there you go in and grab 1 iced caramel macchiato for you and a apple N kiwi sweet tea for Kouvr y'all sit and drink them and you know have a little catchup.

K:okay so who were you looking at?
M:fine ok so I have new neighbours and there is three boys and one of them had amazing hair and eyes and the cutest fucking smile I've every seen!!!
K:omg really, do you know his name?
M:well um no but I will try and you know talk to him, omg what if he doesn't even like me back?😫
K:everyone likes you your the popular girl!
M:I wish.
You guys finally finished your drinks and kouvr takes you home and says bye she has a boyfriend called Alex there always clinged on to each other it makes you feel so lonely 😭
Your walking down your path and your terrified cause your dad is home. Walking into your house and then smell or cigarettes and alcohol hits you with your dad passed out on the couch you can't even look at him without tearing up about how much you hate it you rush up to your room and slide down your door and just cry your eyes out.


me and the boys have just finished up the house and it looks so dope I can't wait to meet Taylor tmw he an old friend or me and Tony. I was walking up to my room and I seen threw my neighbours window and it looked like   She? Was  crying? I looked closer to see her with her head in her knees crying hmm it must just be an off day any way Taylor says he is friends with my "new neighbour" anyway me and my bro's wanted to set up the pool we had bought it was super hot and the pool was massive so we did and this is what it looked like⬇️

Pretty cool if you ask me! We got in I had my yellow shorts on and no shirt, I heard a scream in my neighbours house and immediately looked at my brothers and they looked at me I wondered what had happened I was kind of worried since I  seen her c...

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Pretty cool if you ask me! We got in I had my yellow shorts on and no shirt, I heard a scream in my neighbours house and immediately looked at my brothers and they looked at me I wondered what had happened I was kind of worried since I  seen her crying earlier there was no car in the driveway maybe she was just watching something scary, anyway we went back to chilling in the pool and later we seen a man walked out of her house he was triping about he looked kind of drunk and a whiff of alcohol and cigarettes came over. I mean it could've just been her friend or I have no clue who was?


My dad had gone cause I heard the front door bang and he was probably just going to the bar or something I didn't care I just wanted him to be nice to me. I've been crying for like an hour now and finally got it together I kinda wanted the company of a boy I know that sound sluty but it's no I just want a hug. I called Taylor I meant were not best friends but we're close I called him-:
T:hey mady what's up?
Mady:*crying* can you maybe come over?
T:m are you okay why are you crying?
M:pleas just come over Kouvr is busy pleas3??
T:I'm on my way okay.
M:Crying* mmhh.

He gets here about 10 mins after the call and knocks on my door I answered it and he immediately pulls me into a hug we're now sitting on my couch and I was crying into his shoulder and I kind water to tell him about my dad I mean I don't think he will tell anyone?
M:sobbing* can I tell you something
M:please don't tell anyone.
M:well I'm crying because ever since I was seven and my mum died my dad has been abusing me and hurting me and he was drinks and smokes and I was so upset today I just couldn't hold it any more and Kouvr knows she's only one who knows and he just hates me.
T: oh my God mady  I had no idea are you okay I'm so sorry this has been happening to you ever since year seven.
M: yeah I think I'll be fine maybe should go on and I'm going to try have some sleep?
T: can you please try and get some rest and your secret is safe with me!
M:Night Taylor.

He walks so and I start sewing again but eventually stop and walking upstairs and I plop into my bed and fall asleep.

A/n/ hey guys hope you liked the first real part let me know if you don't and I will try fix it❤️

🖤smuts and fluffs 🖤 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora