'He's amazing.' Lola whispered as he rubbed my arm to comfort me.

I took the stone and held it like he told me there and he's right, it does bring comfort.

Lola, Jay and I were currently in an Uber on our way to the venue.

'I'm shitting myself.' I chuckled nervously.

'Don't be this is what you've dreamed of, you will be amazing. Remember everything Brad has told you girl, read his card again if you need to or hold the stone.' Jay said as he grabbed my hand to hold as Lola linked to my other arm.

As we arrived we were greeted with my manager, she stood with a large smile on her face and enveloped me in a hug.

'It's finally here.' She squeaked in excitement.

She sorted us with our backstage passes before leading us inside. She stopped outside a door with 'GRACE' written on it.

'Open it.' She told me as I looked to the three of them who stood with large grins on their faces.

I slowly opened the door to be greeted with a large bouquet of flowers.

'Oh my god.' I gasped.

I lifted the piece of white cardboard to see a typed message.

'Good luck beautiful. B x'

My hand went over my mouth as the tears began to leave my eyes.

I heard the door close behind me and turned around to be greeted with no other than my boyfriend.

'Brad!' I exclaimed, the tears now in full flow as I ran and jumped into his arms.

'I've missed you so much.' He mumbled in my neck. 'So fucking much.'

'I've missed you.' I choked back. 'What are you doing here?'

'I couldn't miss my girls first show.' He said as he pulled away, his teary eyes matching mine.

I leaned in and let our lips meet for the first time in over 2 weeks. He put me down, pulling my waist closer as he reconnected our lips where his tongue found his way to mine.

He started walking backwards with me before we hit an object and went flying on top of a sofa.

Laughter escaped our lips at our failed romantic moment.

'I love you.' He pecked my lips.

'I love you.' I snuggled into his side. 'I can't believe you're here.' I said still in disbelief.

'One week into our trip I was talking to Tris when he told me to change our flights, we weren't working with anyone the last week, only each other so we decided we could do that at home any time.' He said with a grin.

'Thank you.' I mumbled. 'Thank you so much.'

'It was so hard to not reply to your messages when I landed and saw them.' He chuckled before placing a soft kiss on my forehead. 'After our FaceTime we went straight to the airport.'

After a few minutes Lola, Jay and my manager, Jan, re-entered the room.

'Bet you weren't expecting that.' Lola teased as Jan and Jay stood with wide grins on their faces.

'Okay miss time for your sound check.' Jan said as she brought me my in ears.

Brad helped me to put them on and attached them pack to my trousers.

I leaned in and kissed him before he put his arm around me and we followed Jan as she led the way to the stage with Lola and Jay behind us.

Brad gave me another kiss before he and my friends made their way to the standing area to watch from the empty crowd.

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