Chapter 4

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A/n I have no more title names...

Bold text is Blitz,

Italic text is Deku

Not the same for Todo, Todo's is Nico

"So good to be back" BLITZ, YOU ASSHOLE!

Blitz puts the bottle back in my bag and takes out my blade.

Should I? NO! But you do it all the time. Im gonna. If you do, you better wrap them. Your no fun. Wait, don't you still feel pain while I'm in control? You better not Bli-

I slide the blade across my skin. I look at the blood and decide that I need more.

Count your scars, Deku. Ugh. One... Two... Three...

By the time they were done, 22 on each arm.

You can have your control back now~ fuck you.

I look in the mirror while rinsing the blood off, not noticing someone walk in.

It takes me a few seconds to see that Todoroki is staring in horror at my arms.

"M-Midoriya... This cant be you... This must be a-an illusion."

I ignore him, trying to make it look more like an illusion.

Shit! He's walking up to me! Blitz, help me! I'm out.

Go away go away go away go away go away go away. SHIT!

"Midoriya, answer me!" The tone of his voice hurts me.

He takes a closer look at my arms, and is devastated when he counts 44 as I'm wrapping them up.

He then does something I never thought he would. He starts crying and hugs me.

*Todoroki's POV*

I cried while hugging Midoriya, who is now bandaged and is just standing there.

He isn't himself, this isn't him. It can't be.

"Todoroki, what are you doing?" Midoriya asks.

"How long?"


"HOW LONG?" I.. I snapped at him. Stupid Shoto.

"I-I don't know what you are talking about."

Would have been more effective if you didn't snap. GO AWAY!


"Are you okay? You should go to Recovery Girl, you aren't acti-"

"Fine, go. You obviously don't care about your friends enough to tell them when something is wrong."

*Deku's POV*

Oh, Todoroki, I wish I could tell you, but it would only break you more. He wasnt sent for you, so why was he here? What do you mean Blitz? I mean, your "friends" are fake, so why did Todo really come here? He is wearing a longsleeve in summer. He cuts too! That's why it hurts him. Don't jump to conclusions.

"Well, I'm just gonna go to last period."

"You will tell me tomorrow."

"Ok. Bye Todoroki."

I walked to next period. Goodbye, Blitz. Izuku, goodbye, I should have guessed. You seriously thought I would Od? I'll wait.

*Timeskip to afterschool*

"Hey, Hagakure, I'll take your spot in cleaning the roof for you, okay?"

"Oh, Okay Midoriya!'

I get up to the roof, not thinking of the door.

Up there I write three notes:

One to my mom, saying that it was not her fault,

One to Kacchan, saying that I should have listened to him in middle school,

And the last one to Todoroki, saying how I had loved him, and that he should not be sad for me.

I take my shoes off, and set each letter next to them.

It started to rain when I stood up and say "Goodbye, I should have done this when Kacchan told me to."

I was then pulled down by my waist, and hugged tightly. I hear someone crying, and I try to break free from their grasp, but to no avail. I just crumple and start crying. I turn around and hug them, crying into their chest, not caring who it was.

A/N: This is not the end! Just letting you know.

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