The Evil Stepsister

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[Short Story]

Have you ever heard of a story where a nobleman's daughter is forced to live like a servant under her own roof? 

If not, how about this? 

A young girl’s father remarried after the death of her mother. The stepmother brought along her two children from a previous marriage and they lived abusing the young girl. Soon after, her father passed and she was forced to live with her evil stepmother and stepsisters. 

One day, the young prince of the kingdom invited every unmarried woman of marriageable age to a ball. Unluckily for the young girl, her stepmother and stepsisters kept her busy at home while they went to the ball to meet the prince. 

While weeping, a fairy magically appeared in front of the young girl and gave her a beautiful dress, hairstyle, and heels. The fairy warned her that the magic will wear off by midnight and with that, the young girl left to the ball. 

The young girl caught the prince’s attention and fell in love at first sight. They danced and spent time together until it was close to midnight. The young girl decided to run back home before the magic wore off.

You know the rest of the story right? The prince finds the young girl and they live happily ever after while her evil stepmother and stepsisters gets retribution. 

And why is this important? Well, let me tell you a little about myself.

My full name used to be Delilah Merryweather. Now, it’s Delilah Blackwood. My mother, Cecelia Merryweather, remarried Uncle Blackwood, a rich man who’s in his late 50s. He passed away not long after. I have two younger sisters who are about the same age, Dahlia and Ophelia Blackwood. 

I’m sure you’re getting the gist of it. If not, I’ll just say it. My mother is the evil stepmother of this story. Dahlia and I are the evil stepsisters. 

Again, why is this important? Well, it’s because right now, the story is at the part where my mother, little sister, and I, receive retribution for treating Ophelia unfairly. 

“Argghh!! These stupid birds! Quick, do something you two brats!” My mother yelled.

Yes, right now, Ophelia’s birds are attacking us with their small but sharp beaks and claws. 

“Quick! Do something, Delilah! Get rid of these nasty birds! I’ll chop them up and cook them for sure!” My mother yelled again but louder this time. Her usually straightened red hair was now in a tangled mess and her beautiful dress she just bought was now unrecognizable.

As for my little sister, Dahlia, bird feces dropped onto her, erasing the graceful image she had before. This was the first time real emotional tears fell from her eyes. It was a sight to see.

“Delilah!” My mother held up the broom she was using to fight off the birds and threw it to me. If you were to estimate it, it missed me by a yard.

You’re probably thinking, what about me? What’re the birds doing to me? 

Well, I’m looking at them. They’re trying to get at me but cannot reach me. 

Why? That’s because I’ve put up a barrier between me and everything a yard from me. 

How did I do this? I know magic. It’s a shame, but my mother and Dahlia do not. Only a few people can use magic. I don’t suppose I should suffer with them. 

“Delilah!” My mother rushed over and banged onto the barrier along with the birds. 

Luckily, I learned to harden my shield a long time ago. Not even the strongest man can break it. If it was a beast, I’d be doomed. But right now, I’m against birds.

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