She sighed. She looked up into the dark sky, her eyes all dreamy-like. She soon walked back into her room and fell asleep.

Even in her sleep, all she could think about was Aang. It was as if her mind revolved around the airbender. Every moment spent with him felt so perfect. A smile rose across her face as she slept and it stayed all night long.


Zuko and Mai decided to share a room. They were the oldest couple and therefore got a little more privilege. Tonight would be their first night sharing a living space. They both stripped down to their undergarments before getting into their bed.

"Well, this is kinda weird," Maid said to Zuko.

"We just aren't used to it yet," he replied.

He pulled her in close to him and she laid her head on his bare chest. She listened to his heartbeat and enjoyed the warmth that came from the firebender. They kissed gently and fell asleep holding each other.


Sokka and Suki's rooms were right next to each other. They held each other in the hallway. It was almost as long as Katara and Aang stood on the balcony.

"I love you," Suki whispered to Sokka.

"I love you too," he replied.

They shared a light kiss and Suki went to her room.

"I love that girl," Sokka said dreamily.

He shut the door to his room and fell asleep almost instantly.


Katara awoke the next morning and found that her bed was filled with panda lilies. She smiled knowing a certain bender had been here. She got dressed and then put a panda lily in her hair. When she got downstairs she found her friends in their living space, eating breakfast.

"Hey Katara," Aang grinned.

"Hey Aang, thanks for the surprise," she kissed him on the cheek.

Then she sat down next to him and wrapped her hand around his.

"You know you can't eat with one hand right?" Sokka said with a smug look on his face.

Aang put both his hands up to show he wasn't holding Katara's.

"Soooo... What are we doing today?" Toph asked.

"Well, Mai and I are going to the spa. You and Katara are welcomed to come," Suki responded.

"Mai is going to the spa?" Zuko said, surprised.

He had almost spilled his coffee on his lap.

"Zuko, do you have a problem with that?" Mai questioned.

"No, I just didn't think that you would like to go to the spa," Zuko said before slapping his hand over his mouth.

"Lighten up Zuko, it's okay. It's more time for me to bond with the girls," Mai said.

"I guess I'm going too," Katara said.

"I might as well go, I have nothing better to do," Toph said.

They continued their breakfast in peace. Aang had been pondering a question all morning. He went to his room to try and figure it out.

"Should I ask Katara out on a date? We've never technically had an official date before," he thought about it some more, "she would love that and I'd be a good boyfriend."

ATLA: Book 4Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz