Chapter 10 - The Art of Crying in the Rain

Start from the beginning

"He seriously wants kids that fast? I didn't realize he was the kind of guy," Peach said.

"He told me he's 26, and that it's his next chapter. But I'm 22, and I've got a few chapters before it even crosses my mind."

Peach nodded. "I feel you. Charlie and I are in the same boat as you: not yet. He's working on his MBA during the day and bartending at night. I'm picking up every modeling job I can to network into a bigger position. If I'm going to have kids, I want them to have a better childhood than I did. I want to be able to buy them every toy they see on Nickelodeon, and one of those Barbie Jeeps that they can actually drive!"

"That's really sweet, Peach." I leaned over and gave her a sideways hug. "Thank you. Can we keep the details between us for now? I'm already upset that everyone knows that Blake and I had a falling out, and I don't wanna have to give details."

She held up her little finger to me. "Pinky promise!" I lifted my hand and intertwined our pinkies.

A knock on the door interrupted our conversation.

"Come in!" I called. I found myself relieved as Giselle and Katrina appeared in the doorway. They closed the door behind themselves as they entered.

"Hey, Mads," Giselle said. They walked over and took their seats at their own vanities. "We wanted to make sure you're okay."

"I will be. Thanks," I gave them a kind smile.

Katrina glided a hand through her hair, tucking the black strands behind her left ear. "We don't wanna pry. But if you need anything from us, just speak up. I'll be your own personal bouncer. If any undesirables approach you, I'll bounce them!"

I grinned and let out a laugh. "Thanks, girls."

"I've been waiting to use these bad boys." Katrina lifted her bicep into the air and kissed the flexed muscle.

"Katrina!" I laughed playfully. "I'm not mad at him, I don't think. His reasons are definitely fair, it just really sucks. I liked him a lot."

"Fair or not, he should not have left you out in the rain. Even Amelia agrees with me," Giselle said.

I shifted uncomfortably on my vanity chair. "Have you guys all talked about it already?"

"Only as much as we know. We assumed the talk didn't end well when Blake came back alone, looking pretty sad. But we didn't want to jump to conclusions. It was him leaving you out in the storm that peeved the ladies. And some of the guys," Giselle explained. Peach nodded in agreement.

"Oh," I said and looked down at my lap. "Well, I did tell him-"

"Maddie!" Peach clapped her hands. "I think you need to repeat after me because it's not quite getting through. Whether the talk went good or bad, he shouldn't have left you in the rain, even if you asked him to. He should have a good enough conscience to know that that's not a nice thing to do. He's not a nice guy for that."

"Well, when you phrase it like that..." I trailed off. "I guess you're a little right." I looked from my lap up at the ceiling lights in an attempt to keep myself from crying. "I guess I was also just hoping that I'd found my Love Island guy. No more drama, no chaos, no recoupling gossip; a guy that I could've been with the whole time. When he chose me over Amelia at the recoupling, I thought he'd proven himself. But maybe one good act doesn't make him a white knight."

Katrina nodded approvingly. "Yes! And this is Love Island, sweetheart. Anything could happen. There could be a recoupling in an hour. There could be six new islanders that scale the balcony and walk right through those glass doors. Zac Efron could walk in! Crazier things have happened. I think you have to keep your chin up and anticipate change."

"Damn you guys are good." I put a fingertip to the edge of my eye before a tear could emerge. "You're right. It's not over. Blake wasn't my last chance. It's only the third day! Damn... it feels like a week."

"At least," Katrina added. She leaned to the side to peer out at the storm. "This storm makes me feel better, actually. I was feeling a little homesick for the first few days. But this is some Portland weather," she smiled.

Giselle shook her head. "Rain in L.A. is a damn miracle."

Peach and I exchanged a midwestern look. "We get all four seasons, baby," Peach grinned.

"I've never seen snow in real life, but I already know I don't like it. I'm not a fan of being cold," Giselle said. "Even the thought of a breeze of A.C. in this room would send me running for a jacket."

Amelia knocked on the door and entered with Polly. "Hey," Amelia said. "Pol and I came to check-in. Everything alright?"

I nodded. "Yeah. The faster this all moves on, the better I'll feel."

Amelia and Polly exchanged a look. "That's a relief, actually. There was a text but I guess you guys didn't hear Eli shout?"

Giselle shook her head. "No, the storm's too loud. What did it say?"

Polly stepped forward, her fists clutched with excitement. "Maddie's going on a date!"

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