(Mia) "Yeah... I know..."

(Tina) "Make sure you stay off the internet until after your Opening Night. Okay?"

(Mia) "What? Why?"

(Tina) "Oh nothing too bad. Just a leaked video some intruder got of you at rehearsal."

(Sam) "Tina..."

(Tina) "But the comments aren't that bad."

(Blaine) "Tina..."

(Tina) "Just a couple saying that you don't have 'the right face for Broadway'."

(Artie) "Tina..."

(Tina) "And that your voice 'isn't that good' but those are all lies."

(Everyone except Tina) "Tina shut up!"

(Kurt) "Not again..."

I'm not going to do a Rachel. I am not going to do a Rachel.

(Mia) "I'm fine. It's fine. Thank you for telling me that Tina. I am going to wait for everyone to get here and then I will go back to the apartment and rest."

I then look at Blaine and faked a smile.

(Mia) "How many more people are coming over today?"

(Blaine) "Five... Mr Shue and Emma are coming over tomorrow."

(Mia) "I didn't think so many people were coming."

*knock knock* More people... please hurry everyone... Sam opened the door to see Santana and Brittany.

(Brittany) "Hey!"

Santana walked up to Sebastian and hit him over the head and Sebastian rubbed his head in pain.

(Santana) "Hey Twink."

(Sebastian) "Hey Santana..."

I got up from the couch and went to give Santana and Brittany a hug.

(Brittany) "How are you feeling Mia?"

(Mia) "Nervous. Just nervous."

(Brittany) "Don't be. You are going to be great. All the Bi Corns are rooting for their co-queen."

(Mia) "Co-queen?"

(Santana) "Brit thinks that you and her are the co-queens of the Bi Corns."

I smile and look at everyone and then back at Brit.

(Mia) "I'm down."

We then heard the door open and we all turn to see Puck and Quinn walk in.

(Quinn) "Puck! You are supposed to knock first."

I laugh and shake my head. I watch as Puck walks over to me.

(Puck) "Missed me?"

I pretend to think about it for a bit and shake my head.

(Mia) "No not really."

I laugh slightly and then feel Puck pick me off the ground and throw me over his shoulder.

(Mia) "Puck! Put me down!"

(Quinn) "Puck sweetie. Put the poor girl down."

(Mia) "Yeah Puck! Listen to your girlfriend!"

(Puck) "Not unless you admit that you missed me."

(Mia) "Okay! Okay! Fine! I give in! I missed you, you big doofus."

Puck put me down carefully and I straightened up my dress.

(Mia) "You know we are sixteen anymore right?"

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