Chapter 20 Uncertainty

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Bakugo P.O.V.

".....Midoriya you'll be fighting Bakugo." I hear from Aizawa and I immediately know what to do so that Deku puts up a fight. He doesn't look like he can fight me at his best right now, considering how fucking miserable he looks. So fucking stupid........ My mind trails off and my attention is brought back by Aizawa who asks if I am ready to fight, even if my body went automatically to the arena, I was ready to see if Deku could really be called my rival. I nod with a smirk, knowing that I'm going to have to show him that he cannot keep this antisocial and sleep deprived act for long if he wants to consider himself my rival. Now that I think about it, he is slowly turning into Aizawa.

However, when Deku is asked the same thing, he gulps and hesitates but ends up nodding. The indecision in his eyes on how to approach me or if he even will at all is depressing, as his emerald eyes also hold an amount of guilt remembering what happened last time, with a new power awakening from his anger, one that was so spontaneous he has no control over it. I look at him dead in the eyes, without moving a muscle, and make a statement that should help this match be more entertaining. "You better come at me with your all Deku, or you can't consider yourself my rival. I don't care what happened last time, just come at me and show me you aren't useless!" That small action from my part seems to ignite a small flame in his eyes once again, one that wasn't present for a long time and isn't as prominent as before, but gives a sense of nostalgia to the Deku that I am so familiar with.

Midoriya P.O.V.

" me you aren't useless!" He is right, I need to prove myself against him and show him. But that illusion of being able to demonstrate myself is cut short by my mind flooding back with memories of the past, but even I would still give my best out of respect. I activate full cowling at 15%, pushing my boundaries as my muscles shriek in pain, but I cannot pay attention to that. We both launch forward towards each other, and Kacchan instantly goes wide eyed by the speed that I present him at the beginning of our match, being almost double from what he last saw. We exchange blows, however, my punches hold no power, as I did not want to activate that new found power that right now seemed cursed, but fitting for someone who deserved as much pain as I do for being such a weight on those around me. He easily overpowers me, putting a lot of strength in his explosions that would not burn me due to my new suit, and finally gets up close and pins me to the floor.

"You surprised me, BUT THIS ISN'T YOUR BEST! STOP BEING USELESS!" he shouts at me, trying to get me to fight back, but I just can't be bothered and mumble "I can't......" It was loud enough for him to hear, but no one else, and that caused him to tighten his grip for a second, but then let go, as he just walked out, not even acknowledging my existence after that statement. Luckily it was my last battle as the others went on for much longer than expected and I had no major injuries. Throughout my short battle, all I thought about was the black tendrils that haunted my right arm, and let to me being anxious about how I should act and feared what would happen if I once again let it out, but it was still no excuse, as today just showed how much more of a Deku I am. Do I really deserve this chance? This power?

Uraraka P.O.V.

Training had ended and I was heading towards the dorms when I saw Deku a long distance in front of me. I exclaim his nickname that was once used to tear him down, but he just seems to speed up his pace, and I am really tired so I wouldn't run for him. "He is avoiding us" I hear an unexpected cool voice from my right, that leads to a small 'eep!' from my part, only to be met with Todoroki. "What do you mean?" I ask, as if I didn't fully understand his statement, or rather, that I didn't want to understand it. "He doesn't pay attention like he used to during our conversations and leaves earlier at lunch, not waiting for us, and just now, he heard you and walked faster." and even if his statement was true, he still said it in such a nonchalant way that made me question why is it that this was happening. It wasn't like I didn't notice before, but someone bringing it up just confirms what I had dreaded and makes a question pop up in my head. "Did we do something wrong? Did I?"

Those questions constantly lingering in my head throughout the rest of the afternoon as I just do my homework and then head to the common area, with my brain still in the same place that it was left at a few hours prior. Dinner grabbed my attention, and I notice that once again, the fluffy green mop of hair, along with his freckled face and emerald orbs were missing, so I said that I would go look for him. I reach his dorm and knock on the door, only to be greeted by my friend with bloodshot eyes that had to adjust to the brightness outside his room. "Dinner is ready Deku-kun, let's go" I say, giving him a smile and snatching his right wrist to make sure that he actually eats. He winces in pain and I shoot back my head, as I release his wrist that felt bandaged up. "I-I a-am sorry De-" "Don't worry Uraraka, its just because of the strain of my quirk and the damage in my arms," That made me remember his scars and the damaged arms that were the cause of wanting to save even those who resented them, to show the meaning of a true hero and not giving up when facing the odds. However, that friend of mine seemed so distant, yet we were walking and would then eat next to each other, without speaking any words, as if he was trapped within his own world, locked in there by himself.

Yeah, I'm back. I'm sorry those who I disappointed with the lack of posting, I just had to do my priorities first, and I have been drained off. To make it up, tomorrow there will be a double upload to get back into the rhythm of it. Also, I said that I would say what ship would be my next fanfic in this chapter, but because I won't write anything else other than this one, I'll keep it as a surprise. Once again I am sorry to you wonderful people, and I hope that things can go back to normal. You are amazing, I hope you have and had a dope day, and I shall be back tomorrow, I promise. See ya.

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