Chapter 19 Time for training

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Midoriya P.O.V.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, but only because I didn't even dream during the night due to crying myself to sleep as I remembered everything they had told me during my dream, all the truths that they wouldn't say directly to me. It hurt so much, considering the decision I made yesterday and how every negative thought flooded my head once again, as if it never actually left and had stayed hidden for the weekend. I managed to go to sleep at around three in the morning after I had finished cleaning a second cut that I made with the scissors, this time a bit more intense and deep, but higher up my wrist, and the feeling of being able to release so much with such a simple action gave me a satisfaction that I had only ever felt once before, intoxicating my mind with the feeling that, if I continued doing this, then I wouldn't feel as bad.

After training and showering, I skipped breakfast and stayed in my room and headed to class last, as to not cross paths with those I weigh down and satisfy the thoughts they never explicitly shared with me. I was slowly reverting back to my state before that Friday and my eyes felt heavier than they usually did during class, but Aizawa gave an announcement I dreaded to come. "After lunch today we will be having quirk training between each other. This will be done in either 1 versus 1 or 2 versus 2. I will decide the parings and Cementoss will stop anything if it gets out of control. Now, we will continue with classes." All I could think about was when I fought Kacchan a long time ago, and the black tendrils invaded my right arm in my anger, and ever since then I've been to afraid to discover this new power, since I could not discuss it with All Might and I had little to no control over it.

Timeskip to lunch

I was sitting alone at a table, with a half eaten tray of food and was constantly spacing out wondering what to do in the lessons to come. I knew that Kacchan at some point would be my opponent, as it is clear how we compliment each other and exploit each others weaknesses to improve on them. I kept my slow eating until Uraraka and Iida joined me, greeting me with cheerful expressions that snapped my mind back into reality and started eating at an accelerated pace once again. I paid no attention to their conversation, it all sounded like muffled sound, as I knew that I was only a disturbance for them, but a few pokes on the shoulder and a simple question from the person that I wanted to stay the closest, but had to move further away came, came "Deku-kun, you are really quiet, what are you thinking?" I expected for her to ask me if I was okay, but she probably gave up on that idea. "Huh? Oh nothing, just thinking about our training. Anyways, I'm done, I'll see you in a few." And with that, I stood up and took my empty tray and headed towards the lockers, where I stayed and slept for a while until the bell rang.

I put on my hero costume and headed towards the training grounds and approached Aizawa with a request for what was to come. "Mister Aizawa, can I ask for a favour?" "What is it problem child?" he asked in his sleepy state but intrigued, as it was rare for me to ask such things. "Remember last time I fought Kacchan? Well, I can't really control that new power and I need you to cancel it if it comes again as it also hurts my arm quite badly." I explained, and he raised his eyebrow in response, as if he didn't understand why I requested it. He sighed tiredly as per usual and gave me an actual answer "Fine, but you will have to train with it at some point, if not you'll be just like Todoroki before." and with that conversation ending, the rest of my classmates came but I kept thinking that what he said was true, even if my control is slim, I can't run from it. It is also part of my quirk. Well, All Might's quirk.

My first battle was with Iida, the match made sense due to our increased speed and our kicking styles that I had trained under his influence, while keeping it true to myself as much as possible. We walked to the ring and I wasn't sure if I wanted to fight him, not only because he would take this chance to finally beat me and show his true self towards me, but because I was frightened by the power I held. I knew that with the training I had been doing, I should control it at 25% at maximum, but due to my lack of sleep and healthy meals, I couldn't bring myself to use more than 10%. I decided that I would at least fight him, as to not be absolutely destroyed by the engine quirk user, as he did have the speed advantage right now, but not the power one. Our fighting lasted for quite a while as we exchanged kicks constantly and sometimes our legs colliding with each other, and him hitting me in the ribs and using his speed to get more blows at me, but less powerful ones.

I won our training by using my air force attacks on him to get him out of balance and the kicking him out of bounds, only to walk to him and offer him a hand. "That was intense training Midoriya, but I know you where not at your full strength, why did you hold back?" Iida asked me somewhat disappointed in how I acted towards our fight, but I would just tell him the truth in this scenario. "I am not feeling well enough to use more power, sorry Iida" I said while scratching the back of my neck and we went back towards the main area to see who our next opponent would be. I saw that Iida wanted to tell me something, but was cut off by Aizawa stating who we would fight. "Iida, you'll be fighting Ashido while Midoriya you'll fight Bakugo. Don't worry, I'll be watching." Even if he did try to reassure me that he would be paying attention, it was this moment that I didn't want to happen again. Between his mean yelling that tries to get me to do better but actually hurts me, and the current thoughts in my head, I was clearly not prepared for this match up to happen.

Heyoo. It is very late, but well, I wont give excuses, just hope you enjoy this chapter. I know that it was all Deku P.O.V. but it is because later, other chapters will have other P.O.Vs without having the Deku one. Also, tomorrow I'll be saying what my next fanfic is, but the concentration is still 100% on this one. Remember that you are amazing and have value, hope you had and have a great day, and I'll be back tomorrow. 

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