Chapter 4 - Greater Love

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By now, the War in Vietnam was over and celebrations had echoed around the globe. There's something about war that leaves an impact on many and Vietnam was no exception. At such an early age, I could see this world was not perhaps a pleasant place to be. However, if we could bring peace and love to the world, then maybe no one ever had to experience war again. I wanted to help bring peace and love to the world. Why wasn't everyone trying harder to do this, to join as one? Why was there racism, famine, hatred, and war? It never made sense to me. We had world renowned singers like John Lennon, Bob Dylan, Cat Stevens, Bob Marley, The Beetles, and many more singing their songs about a world where everyone shares love, compassion, and kindness. They were helping spread the message and educate the greater masses, but who was really listening, because from what I saw growing up, most of the world lived in judgment and fear. 

I wasn't aware back then just how the system worked, but whilst there was always going to be a select group of people running the world the way they did. Would it ever be any different? 

To be Continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2020 ⏰

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