Chapter 15

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"OH MY GOSH GUYS, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I hollered as I struggled to get out of the water.

"You overslept... so we thought it would be nice for all of us to wake you up with style," Han explained.

"Okay... but you can't just throw me in the water while I'm still half asleep and in my pajamas," I groaned. 

"Oops..." Felix mumbled under his breath. 

"Alright, enough guys. For one hour today, begin your schoolwork that you are currently missing and need to catch up on. At around 9:45 AM, we will meet in the lobby and decide what we can do today," Mrs. Carpenter announced. 

"Wait, what about science class?" I asked. 

"There's a substitute filling in for me for those who have me for science. You will still be doing my schoolwork along with your other assignments."

Everybody walked back in from the roof while I had to walk out of the pool area, back into the lobby, into the elevator, and back into my room with Hyunjin. I don't understand why throwing me in the pool on a gymnastics mat without me knowing was a great idea to wake me up and start my day. Now, I'm a soaked rat at a hotel and I smell like chlorine.




I knocked on the door repeatedly until Hyunjin opened it. He apologized to me as soon as I stepped in our room, dripping from head to toe, and told me that it was Han's and Felix's idea because they thought it would be funny and entertaining to watch. 

"Do you want some breakfast, Y/N? I can get it for you from downstairs," Hyunjin offered. 

"No thanks, Hyunjin. I'm not really that hungry, but if I change my mind I will let you know as soon as I can," I answered. 

"No problem. Why don't we start on our science first since we have the same class?" 

"Sounds like a plan, Hyunjin." 

Before I opened my Chromebook, I saw something out of the corner of my eye below my gaze;  it was a guitar under Hyunjin's bed. 

"You brought your guitar to the trip?" I asked. 

"Yeah. Just practicing when I can. I'll probably bring it tonight to the party," Hyunjin replied. 

"Cool! Let's get started on our online school work, shall we?"

We spent the first fifteen minutes doing all our science work, which was pretty simple. Since I planned to only do half (or almost half) of the school work, I did English, Music, and History as well, each assignment spent for about ten to fifteen minutes each. Hyunjin and I finished exactly at our time limit (one hour) and right after we finished, we both got a text from Mrs. Carpenter, since we got her phone number on the morning of departure for our trip. It said something like this: 

Just a reminder to text me when you're finished. I have decided we will be staying inside due to the weather forecast, but it is supposed to be nice by the time we get ready to go to our party tonight. Text me if you guys need anything, and I'll let you know when we will have lunch. 

This was my reply:

Thanks! We just finished!

"Do you just want to stay in the room today?" I asked Hyunjin.

"Sure thing! Do you want to invite two others to join us as well?" 

"Yeah! Should it be randomized?" 

"If you'd like, Y/N." 

Hyunjin and I decided to use a name generator to choose two random names out of the nine people (excluding Mia) just because why not invite two random people from our friend group?

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